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baclarke says...

lol, TAL i also had a good laugh at that picture and the article!

baclarke says...

I believe that voting yes to the first three bills are in the best interest of the country, especially for Bahamian women and children. However, I agree with voting no to the last bill. Moss's and the Pastors' fears and suspicions are warranted and many examples can be drawn from whats happening in Europe and in the USA based on how they interpret and reinterpret their constitution. Also, the privy council would gladly support and vote in favor of same sex marriage. No argument there.

baclarke says...

"It is shocking that there has been no condemnation from the Church despite the outrageous actions and/or commentary that indict certain politicians. Alas, the Church is selective in the issues it pursues. That is so sad and insincere."

It is unnecessary for the church to publicly speak out on every corrupt action of the government as these things are already condemned by the public as a whole, even within the church bodies' themselves. While the church is indeed selective, it seems to focus on the areas where the government is trying to force, whether covertly or openly, a particular view or law on the people which has lasting moral implications.

baclarke says...

I'm not sure why this is a surprise, the government also funded the vote yes campaign during the last referendum correct? I can't fathom why people trust this government or continue to vote for them...

baclarke says...

Don't let all the legalese talk fool you guys. For those who are concerned about bill number 4, indeed it can be reinterpreted, since right now, the world is starting to merge the words "sex" and "gender" to be the same thing. Take this statement from a recent article based in the USA:

"U.S. Justice Department's ruling that not allowing students to choose bathroom or locker room facilities based upon their **gender identity is sex discrimination.**"

I believe that those who are against gay marriage are wise in questioning bill 4, regardless if people agree with them or not. Just how they left the language on the last referendum for interpretation, bill 4 is no different.

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On PLP chairman hits out at opponents to bill

Posted 21 April 2016, 7:14 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Doesn't matter, all of us, including the church are allowed to change our opinions/positions after a period of time, especially 14 years later...

On Yes campaign hits out at rival pastors

Posted 20 April 2016, 12:32 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I am wondering if their really is a difference between discrimination based on sex, and discrimination based on sexual preference. This is probably why those who are against gay marriage believe that amendment 4 is questionable.

On Yes campaign hits out at rival pastors

Posted 20 April 2016, 12:30 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

The main reason why this fight is so hard for the government is because they have lost the trust of the people. When the people do not trust you, how do you expect them to trust what your intentions are? You steal and misuse our money, did not listen to the will of the people on the last referendum, what to throw more taxes on us(NHI), and blatantly acknowledge your corruption. Now you want us to accept these constitutional changes?

Regardless, i do not have a problem with the majority of the bills. Even the last one is not a big deal in my opinion. But, i do not believe the last one is necessary if you have already identified areas of inequality. Why have a "catch all" that can still be left up to interpretation? The interesting thing about language and is that the meaning changes as time passes and therefore the interpretation can also change. In reference to gay marriage, if this last bill passes or not, it doesn't matter, as marriage is not defined in our constitution. Law makers can choose to amend the marriage act as they see fit, without our consultation. That's my 5 cents on the matter. As for pastors preaching vote yes or vote no in relation to what God wants, I always remember what he told the prophet Samuel when Isreal wanted their first King, "Give the people what they desire". God will allow us to make our own choices in how we govern ourselves, but just know that all decisions come with consequences whether good or bad. His main concern is the state of the heart, not the vote on the equality bill.

On Yes campaign hits out at rival pastors

Posted 20 April 2016, 7:40 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Good work RBPF!

On UPDATED: Two men shot dead by police

Posted 1 April 2016, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

As a tax paying citizen, let me say that I am not looking forward to paying another tax for a service which i believe should be optional, not mandatory. I don't trust the way they currently handle my money and I certainly won't trust the way they will handle this new money (whenever they choose to implement the tax of course).