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baclarke says...

This government is a bunch of crooks, this takes away what little respect I have left for them. If that guy can't pay his property tax, and his property is valued so low, he needs to let me buy his property off of him for 300k, then i'll get it re-evaluated and resell it.

On 'Tax dodger should be fired from VAT role'

Posted 21 February 2014, 5:27 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

you and I buddy

baclarke says...

Agreed, this guy is a flammer. Clearly, he has another agenda. But regardless of what this one minister, wants to do. I say put this one to a referendum, and let's see if it is the Bahamian people's will, never see it as they know what the results will be. Also, I forgot these guys ignored the last referendum, so why would they respect any other....

baclarke says...

I always find it interesting when people say that legalizing the numbers houses will not affect me as a citizen in any way. Yet, my hard earned tax payers dollars have to pay for those who get addicted and end up feeding off of social services to feed their habit and their families. I hope the number's places are forced (and i know they wont be) to pay for the rehabilitation and support of these people as I am sure that myself nor anyone else who is sensible is willing to do so.

baclarke says...

Understood, but isn't that showing partiality? Do we offer this same privilege to others who are detained without their papers on them?

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 1:06 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

He was not innocent if he was breaking the law by not having required documentation on him. Also, there is preferential treatment occurring here based on the fact that this is not done (an apology) for the majority of individuals.

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 12:58 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

I think saying that the persons involved had a "lack of common sense" is unfounded. I was once detained by Canadian immigration in the past for not having the right documentation present. Was i irritated? Hell yes. However, i admitted that i was in the wrong and did not have the appropriate documents on me. I do not blame them and say that i was "roughed up" and that they are incompetent. They were following the law and doing their jobs.

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 12:56 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

Interesting, tell that to the other foreigners, that we do not hear about by first name on the news who are wrongfully detained and yet no public apology is offered.

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 12:51 p.m. Suggest removal

baclarke says...

"Even going to the biblical story of Eve, that story also demeans women because women are the cause of everything that’s evil."

No this story does not "demean" women. If that is what happened then all we can do is meditate on it. If anybody does something wrong, then they are wrong, male or female, it doesn't mean that it's "demeaning" to the entire sex. Also, If i remember correctly, Adam opted to eat of the fruit himself and was also in the wrong, and all of the parties present (Adam, Eve, and satan) were punished. Also, look at who God approached first - Adam! Also, the bible teaches that sin is perpetuated through the seed of man. So perhaps this story actually demeans us as men! (sarcasm is intentional).

baclarke says...

This article shows us what is most important to the government. Why are we beating up on our immigration workers if they are doing their jobs. Regardless of who you are, if you are breaking the laws of the land, you should be penalized. Mr. Fiaux's economic and social status should not exempt him from our laws. Now, if he was handled incorrectly, then that should be apologized for, but we do not know enough information to make this claim. He was merely "irritated" on how he was treated and it was probably no different than how they treated anyone else, but on this we do not know for sure. The point is, if the law requires him to have certain documents on him at all times, then he needs to comply. He is not more important than any other person, at least in my view. I also pray that our government officials stop being so biased and stop always trying to please the Foreigners. Enforce our laws please and stop joking around in parliment.

On Govt says sorry to UBS executive

Posted 16 January 2014, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal