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bahamaguy242 says...

While there are still some power failures, when you compare the outages today to previous years before the new installation of generators, the electricity is far more stable. BPL has made signification progress (Thanks to the FNM). If no one can't see this, they they are playing blind.

bahamaguy242 says...

If persons are isolated and movement is limited, how would the virus be passed on? If the virus is unable to pass on, wouldn't the virus eventually disappear? Lock downs and curfews are used to achieve this. Think about this, the longer you are exposed to an environment, the probability increases to be infected. With curfews, you are limited to the amount of places you can hangout/ visit. Therefore, decreasing the probability of being infected.

bahamaguy242 says...

It does stop transmission. If you want to use another analogy, lets use this one. Think about laying a few match sticks on a table, and you light one, the fire will spread. However, if you remove one or two matches, the fire won't spread and will eventually die. Therefore, if you limit the movement of people, eventually the virus will not be able to spread. However, for this to be successful, persons would have to obey the orders, and not circumvent the orders.