Cobalt makes an excellent point. I would also like to add that there is a great difference between crime that is committed and crime that is reported. This is a very important distinction to make. So yes, maybe reported crime rates are down, but it would be naive to think that crime itself has actually gone down. Especially crimes such as rape, which are rarely reported in the first place.
After reading this article, I came to this conclusion: Allyson Maynard clearly does not live in the Bahamas. Anyone who actually inhabits the country recognizes the rampant homophobia that exists. When I attended high school five years ago, the boys in my class used to talk in effeminate voices to tease each other. One of our teachers, who would laugh along with them, finally got fed up one day as the boys were creating a distraction. Instead of telling them off for being hateful towards fellow human beings, she told them off for "being gay"... If in a Christian school hate is being wide-spread, imagine how much more in the streets where anyone who is considered anything less than the toughest thug is in danger of being attacked for being a "fag." People who are attacked for such a reason rarely do report it since they know the police would probably just laugh at them to their face, and do nothing about it. So... I suppose Allyson Maynard must think rapes are a figment of the imagination as well since a lot of them go unreported...
bahamama says...
Cobalt makes an excellent point. I would also like to add that there is a great difference between crime that is committed and crime that is reported. This is a very important distinction to make. So yes, maybe reported crime rates are down, but it would be naive to think that crime itself has actually gone down. Especially crimes such as rape, which are rarely reported in the first place.
On '62 murders - but major crime down'
Posted 19 June 2014, 2:45 p.m. Suggest removal
bahamama says...
After reading this article, I came to this conclusion: Allyson Maynard clearly does not live in the Bahamas. Anyone who actually inhabits the country recognizes the rampant homophobia that exists. When I attended high school five years ago, the boys in my class used to talk in effeminate voices to tease each other. One of our teachers, who would laugh along with them, finally got fed up one day as the boys were creating a distraction. Instead of telling them off for being hateful towards fellow human beings, she told them off for "being gay"... If in a Christian school hate is being wide-spread, imagine how much more in the streets where anyone who is considered anything less than the toughest thug is in danger of being attacked for being a "fag." People who are attacked for such a reason rarely do report it since
they know the police would probably just laugh at them to their face, and do nothing about it. So... I suppose Allyson Maynard must think rapes are a figment of the imagination as well since a lot of them go unreported...
On An end to discrimination - except over sexuality
Posted 11 June 2013, 3:19 p.m. Suggest removal