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bahamasoapmama says...

thank you!!!!!

Whether Lady P., Hubert, me, my ma, some rich the end of the day the rules need to be enforced and enforced equally across the board.

bahamasoapmama says...

I'm confused at how they were allowed to get such a large bill in the first place. There needs to be an across the board policy of what amount for private residences and commercial buildings need to reach in arrears before they are cut off. This is ridiculous.

bahamasoapmama says...

I worked for a law firm and every single foreign owned home in the family islands we conveyed would have unpaid property taxes. Every single home in New Providence would have unpaid property tax. How they allow this to go on years and years (some as long as 20 years) I'll never understand. I guess those people get paid to show up at the door but work is optional.


Posted 19 June 2014, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamasoapmama says...

This may force parties to have more new people to turn over. I think all government should have term limits. 2 terms for PM. 4 terms for MPs and senators.

Some of these dinosaurs have been around for almost 30 years. Time to get rid of them.

bahamasoapmama says...

I was in the police kiosk/hut/station downtown. They had the monitors for all the cameras set up to monitor downtown. All were black except one, that was pointed at the ocean.

Our security is a joke, plain and simple. The whole system is broken.

On Victim tried to stop attack on woman

Posted 30 May 2014, 10:02 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamasoapmama says...

That is sad considering what West End looks like after the hurrican almost10 years ago. It resembles a war zone. Why on earth do they keep voting the same people in when there has been no progress?

On Tourism minister plays down dredging

Posted 11 May 2014, 3:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamasoapmama says...

Man, bump the Straw Market. I cannot get a stall in there for nothing and I actually make my own products by hand. I would guess 2/3 of the people in there should be kicked out for lack of payment.

On Cruise line blow to Straw Market

Posted 11 May 2014, 3:31 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamasoapmama says...

Get rid of it. Don't sell the company, sell the assets to the other airlines and let them hire the worthy and the slack ones will have to be on their own. And then put a ban on the name Bahamasair. That name should NEVER be heard again.

At the ticket counter in Freeport you will see one person working and six people milling about just getting paid. They will hold up flights because some big shot is running late (sometimes for HOURS), they hire useless, unqualified, lazy people and they are shocked its not working! Jokes.

bahamasoapmama says...

It is required by law to have a referemdum. The opinion poll for the gaming houses WAS NOT required by law or by logic.

bahamasoapmama says...

Exactly. Bahamian girls are not respected so why would a tourist girls be. We need to get to the root of this crime situation. The way we are living in this country is terrible. The value system that is becomming the norm is horrendous. We need to change to over all attitudes in this nation. The bad apples are taking over the crate and the good apples are getting sores.


Posted 7 August 2013, 12:42 p.m. Suggest removal