you people are a pathetic joke. you will be the first to cry discrimination while discriminating. stop throwing around the bible to support your baseless claims. take a look at yourselves and the children you have out of wedlock and your own divorce rates. then maybe people would take you seriously. the bahamas has been in a rapid state of decline for decades especially after independence, because the country is run by ignorant, entitled morons. how many public beaches remain? the country has sold out to china. and your alleged moral values are ancient. stop hating on others, look at yourself in the mirror. the Bahamas is a banana republic and pretty soon the bananas will be coming from china. in the not distant future your flag will be the color red, not because of aids but because you will be owned by the Chinese. good luck with that. oh by the way, bahamar is going to be a giant sink hole because the site can not support the weight of what has been constructed there, but i digress.
bahamasownedbychina says...
you people are a pathetic joke. you will be the first to cry discrimination while discriminating. stop throwing around the bible to support your baseless claims. take a look at yourselves and the children you have out of wedlock and your own divorce rates. then maybe people would take you seriously. the bahamas has been in a rapid state of decline for decades especially after independence, because the country is run by ignorant, entitled morons. how many public beaches remain? the country has sold out to china. and your alleged moral values are ancient. stop hating on others, look at yourself in the mirror. the Bahamas is a banana republic and pretty soon the bananas will be coming from china. in the not distant future your flag will be the color red, not because of aids but because you will be owned by the Chinese. good luck with that. oh by the way, bahamar is going to be a giant sink hole because the site can not support the weight of what has been constructed there, but i digress.
On Resort to host gay pride event
Posted 29 August 2014, 10:16 a.m. Suggest removal