Comment history

bahamian242 says...

I'd like to see their DNA???? I know it would be about the same of European /African decent!

On “Who would have thought!“

Posted 8 April 2024, 12:14 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

The date for the elimination cheques should be adhered to.

bahamian242 says...

Guess what? I believe the Residents!

bahamian242 says...

It's about time. This should of come about over 15 years ago.

bahamian242 says...

How about NIB getting paid Dividends on the Public Companies they have share in! Say like Commonwealth Brewery?????

bahamian242 says...

Yes, and what about all the shares that are held in the Public companies where the COB & top executives receive big fat salaries and bonus??? No dividends paid out, like Commonwealth Brewery???

bahamian242 says...

This is the right move! The Financial experts at the MOF have had this on the table for a while. The people do not know the full facts of this VAT matter.

bahamian242 says...

Between 2 Doctors an a Lawyer, they really did this Country bad with restrictions on Covid19! all Carl Bethell wanted to do is put everyone in Prison, and the 2 Doctors keep everyone in Bed!

bahamian242 says...

I hope this is the way forward to becoming a Republic for The 🇧🇸

On Duke and Duchess to visit The Bahamas

Posted 15 February 2022, 6:50 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian242 says...

Yes Facebook Doctor!