Comment history

bahamian2core says...

We really have to move beyond who did what in office. We live in TODAY. Today there continues to be a global economic crisis, which our country was not well prepared for. The government of TODAY should be prudent in its decision making and not simply repeat the mistakes/errors in judgements of yesterday (thats a good recipe for being voted out of office....AGAIN!!)

I'm hearing more and more of the government of TODAY seeking ways to stretch the public purse (new House of Assembly, PM's residence, consul residences....) but what about safeguarding the resources we have. What about NIB and blatant misuse of public funds?? I dont care whether there's a PLP or FNM government. I left that at May 7, 2012. I care about my country, my future, and my childrens future.

Be prudent and wise in your decisions. Too many seasoned politicians to making these silly decisions and wasting time with irrational propaganda!!

On 'Hypocritical' view over appointments

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:13 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamian2core says...

An official residence for the PM is a brilliant idea. But Mr Christie has a short memory, and maybe its slipped his mind that these are lean times for the economy and our people. The approach we use in the multinational firm I work for is to make the best use of whats already available. Get a clue Christie!!! Governement House is available and hard earned tax payer dollars are used to maintain it.

On bahamian2core

Posted 13 February 2013, 4:05 p.m. Suggest removal