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bahamianbeauty says...

Why are Fnms crying more than the Plps.. It's the peoples time remember...

On New benefit programme suspended

Posted 23 August 2017, 9:33 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianbeauty says...

It's the peoples time stop complaining..You haven't seen nothing yet๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

On New benefit programme suspended

Posted 23 August 2017, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianbeauty says...

What should we care. Let them be on their way.

bahamianbeauty says...

i smell a lawsuit.

bahamianbeauty says...

This will be my last comment on this situation, after i give you the facts come to your own conclusion. He was indeed on bail accused of raping his baby's mother. The police came for him in the early morning hours told him it was a condition of his bail. After arriving at the station they told him he was being investigated for a series of rape after 5 days he was released after he agreed to become an informant for the police. If you remember the drug in Kemp Road he inform the police who was who. The cowards was indeed arrested and held at the same station as my cousin the POLICE informed the cowards who tipped them off. My cousin was released on the same date that he died. At 2:00 p.m. that day he received a call told his mother he will be back left with a short pants on and dragging slippers nothing else on his feet to obstruct the view or signal of his ankle bracelet. At about 2:30 his girlfriend called him asked where he was he said he was at the back of CDU she told him after all them days they had you, you shouldn't want to see that place. He told her he was waiting on the police to give him a GUN to go and plant in the yard where the drug bust occurred because the police was not happy with that bust. This was the last contact any on my family members had with him. He was later found burnt around 3:30 or there about off Mackey Street which is in close proximity to Kemp Road. Don't believe everything that you hear in the media. by all means he was no angel but was loved and will always be loved.

On Murdered man was on bail over rape charge

Posted 1 February 2014, 5:45 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianbeauty says...

SMFT, My favorite cuz was murdered Wednesday, and thank God for the family that I have we will not let anything go in vain, the police force, media and simply dum ass ppls that are saying and sending out the wrong message to the public. The fact of the matter is my cousin was picked up from his residence and taken to CDU for his bail condition not knowing that he would be later quizzed on a rape charge. My cousin was locked up for 5 days and released without charges about 6:30 that very morning of his death. My thing about this whole situation is that the whole force knew that they made my cuz an informant for the police and they did not protect him. The officers at CDU knew exactly what was about to happen to my cuz that day, but most of all what bothers the family the most is that my cuz had on an ankle bracelet, they lost signal from it from about 3 to 3:30, but the family was never notified. When they can't reach him they usually come banging on the door so where were they on that day and the day after? The family is saddened with the lost of our love one, so I say to you police officers and the media we the family don't need any negativity from you all we want justice for the cowards who murdered our nekos felix kemp. And for all who was apart of this brutal crime remember the God we serve don't wear pajamas. I hope you 4 cowards who took the life of 1 man did smile for the cameras.

On Murdered man was on bail over rape charge

Posted 1 February 2014, 12:38 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianbeauty says...

no the facts before you open ya dam mouth

On Murdered man was on bail over rape charge

Posted 31 January 2014, 11:59 p.m. Suggest removal