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bahamiandud3242 says...

If he wasn't Branville McCartney's brother, no one would care and the police wouldn't be out in such force.

A tragedy none the less, R.I.P Mr. McCartney, he seems like a cool guy. These Bahamian women are some real psychos. I bet he didn't want to give her no more of his money so she can buy foolishness to act cool and she went bat shi. If you want a decent girlfriend or wife go marry foreign.

bahamiandud3242 says...

Fitzgerald employing thug tactics, if I were a teacher I would quit and find a another job. They treat you like garbage and expect you to just take it, lets see how bigity Fitzgerald acts when all the teachers walk off the job. You got the intellect you don't have to take this.

All they did was protest that they didn't want to teach in moldy, windowless schools with no air conditioning. Schools with not bathrooms working where you could smell the crap from the bathrooms filling the windowless classrooms and where some schools don't even have a roof on some islands.

How dare they! Fitzgerald cuts their already low pay to teach them a lesson and to threaten those that might seeks to disobey Lord, King and Master Fitzgerald in the future.

This guy is a joke, and needs to be FIRED!

On BUT president calls for Fitzgerald to resign

Posted 14 October 2013, 8:52 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamiandud3242 says...

There seems to be a lot of paid propagandists (or ignoramuses) in the comment section of this article.

Nothing happened, the video was fake (even the protestors admitted it was fake) and they (the cubans) came here illegally to begin with. I like how Mitchell didn't bow to foreign pressure, if he did, every dirty Cuban and their mama would be on a boat headed for Nassau.

Anyone taking the side of the illegals is an illegal themselves, a paid propagandist or just plain stupid.

Get off this page bey!

Rubio is a joke, I find it funny how all those Americans bashing Mitchell are of Cuban descent.

get out of my country go back to cuba!