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bahamianson says...

Massive police presence should have been before the shooting. The guns and the Honda blame. Those damn Honda, need to ban them.

On UPDATED: Two dead in Bernard Road shooting

Posted 21 December 2024, 4:49 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Dude is like Joe Biden, clueless.

bahamianson says...

Really? Why do you think they picked this time? Could it be for the same reason bpl , water and sewerage , and all others pick this time?

bahamianson says...

Yeah, at the BFF Mrs. Davis spoke about peanuts as if he were dead. The audience had to tell her that he was still alive. Funny how Brave dis not attend the documentary dedicated to him last month and can speak on his behave in this article. As a matter of fact , the documentary spoke about how the hotel industry destroyed peanuts' and the other club owners clubs. You know what , the place was I power while these club owners( Black Bahamian Men) lost their livelihoods and the culture of the Bahamas. History tells the truth and politicians pounce on opportunities.

On Legendary entertainer "Peanuts" Taylor dies

Posted 17 December 2024, 6:41 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Muddasick, this green suit, again? Bulla, go change this green.

bahamianson says...

Thats what social services is for. The government takes 10% of everyrbing we purchase and every service, sometimes 3-4 times. Ya better tighten ya belt. Charities looming for more, government looming for more, prices increasing every day. Where is the more going to come from? Charities need to give to the people whom keep giving. You must know your limit because the charities and the people whom keep asking do not know their limit.

On Charities: We need your help

Posted 17 December 2024, 1:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Wait, pot hole Bay stree, nasty stores on bay street, nasty customer service on bay street, and tourism is looking good? Where are they going, the family of islands?

bahamianson says...

Wow, 10% higher than mayo from 14.99 ot over $32 . 3 beers from $5 to $20. Can't afford this.

bahamianson says...

3 beers used to be for $5 now 3 beers are for $20, everything has gone up . Police record used to be $2.50 , now $5. The poor man's dinner, chicken in the bag and cracked conch is as expensive at restaurant food. High crime rate, high rape rate, high anger around the islands. Everyone is stressed and frustrated. All of these poor living conditions are mentally , not good. The politicians keep promising and cannot deliver. All they do is take care their sweethearts , family and friends. Wr have many problems, many problems. The pastors and priests can't help themselves, much less the congregation. They are all about flashy cars, clothes, jewelry , big houses and sweethearts.

bahamianson says...

Every article in the Bahamas is either about increasing crime, increasing wages or increasing taxes. Greed , greed, greed. Everyone always wants more. We are a greedy species and will never satisfy. We are literally slaves to greed.