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bahamianson says...

Same dog and pony show as is every year. They need to be punished, simple as that.

bahamianson says...

The prime minister said the government is sending young Bahamian experts. Wow, if he were interested in young Bahamian experts, why did the government hire pensioners last week. Shouldn’t the government of the Bahamas hire young people? So, you hire pensioners with salaries , and you hire young experts. That doesn’t make sense short of you making a flimsy excuse for your spending. Why did you not take pensioners on the trip, since you want to hire pensioners? The excuse is poor. We need a Doge to root out government spending. There is no accountability and no freedom of information act.

On PM defends travel spending

Posted 6 March 2025, 12:47 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Super Value should be ashamed to put their trade mark on eggs laden with chicken poop. I had to wash each egg . All had visible chicken poop on them. What type of service is this? It is unacceptable. Did the government or Super Value inspectors it look at the eggs. Actually, I watched the guy in Super Value open the carton , check the eggs for cracks and not poop, then he closed the carton and placed it in the freezer.

bahamianson says...

Silent? See, that is the thing with people whom get the keys and a little power ; they let the power go to their head. We need the freedom of information act for this exact purpose. These people think our money is their money.the position does not belong to her or anyone else.

bahamianson says...

Yeah, this was a stupid idea from the start.

bahamianson says...

Dpm pleased the deal was cancelled, bnt calls the deal unfathomable. Whom else will speak out now that the deal is exposed to the public. This exposure is like a freedom of information act. The public needs to know . Now, Quis custodiet iPods custodies, who will watch the watchers? Clearly, we need someone to watch our leaders because they can’t seem to protect us.

bahamianson says...

Always false. Insurance companies do not believe the polic man’s reports either. Living is a part of we culture. Can’t trust policemen and defense force men and women. Sad, true.

On Coroner finds police report was falsified

Posted 27 February 2025, 11:22 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Corruption in this country is our culture.. we Bahamian culture is Corruption. We need to have a month of Corruption celebration with a junkanoo rush out.

bahamianson says...

Couldn't the police officers have done this with the illegal numbers boys back in the day? Oh, that is if they wanted to catch them.... I see.

bahamianson says...

The irony is this commissioner is too young with what experience, yet appointed by Davis. The 500 people rehired were hired to bring apparent experience, just like the last commissioner whom resigned. What experience are we talking about. We need to fire all of them and more. How many workers do we need at NIB? It has a million workers walking around doing nothing.