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bahamianson says...

Island hopping on Bahamas Air, yeah eight. Too late , never on time, and too expensive. We need affordable ferries. Oh, everything is too expensive on the family of islands, by the way. It is better in the Bahamas for people with money . If you do not have disposable income , you are SOL.

bahamianson says...

What is this, a puppy show? Phones and drugs seized in the prison... really? Note to prison officers, and politicians, when you search next year; you will find the same. If you searched 10 years ago, you would have found the same. How is this news?

On Phones and drugs seized in prison

Posted 29 November 2022, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Don't know what Bahamas you live in , but there are many black , successful men and women in the Bahamas. Race is not an issue but a good talking point in a 90% black country.

On Sir Franklyn: FTX is ‘not our first rodeo’

Posted 26 November 2022, 6:45 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So what are the ministry of works people doing on the job? Are they playing Spades? So private for all contracts, potholes, school repairs, traffic lights, while the people at the ministry of works play domino's

bahamianson says...

Thoughts and prayers for all affected!

On Father of crash victim: She was my everything

Posted 23 November 2022, 1:20 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Well , it sure looks like the government may have done due diligence in this matter. Maybe they should have done due diligence with FTX. Let me summarize what happened. The Austrian wad not willing to pay any government official or its cronies money under the table, so plan is scratched. If they had paid , the projects would have gone through. For far too long the government representatives may have been involved with insider trading. They always want contracts for friends and family.

bahamianson says...

Yeah, I believe you.

On BOB chief: Bahamas ‘long way from default’

Posted 21 November 2022, 4:44 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So what happens to the lawyers whom were supposed to advise us?

bahamianson says...

Government never had the people's trust from the start. All you do is add and increase taxes so you can have money to give your family , friends and lovers $180,000 salaries and fly around the world on our dime. Notwithstanding that you dont pay any bills on your homes because of a list , and you think you have our trust. don't be deceived!

bahamianson says...

Oh, we didn't know you even had the contract. When I grow up , I want be Like youll