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bahamianson says...

How did you get all the way to California? Christopher montón, a canvasser for Marco Rubio, was attacked because he was Rubio's supporter. The guys said, you are not passing because of the party you support. They beat him to the point of him having to go to the hospital. Oh, I get it, it is a Laker thing.

On STATESIDE: Political violence in the US

Posted 4 November 2022, 6:39 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Exactly, Joeblow and the messenger .

On Bosses already scheming around minimum wage

Posted 3 November 2022, 10:13 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

What were the nationalities of the andros shootings? Are they bahamians ?

bahamianson says...

So , some of the so called politicians missed the deadline this past year for their dis losures. They broke the law with no consequences. Now a politician is telling others to keep the rule of law. This same politician apparently was out during coovid restrictions and the people where gaslighted. This same politician left the other bahamians with Covid whom could not go to the united states for treatment, and he went to the united states for treatment. He told the Bahamian people that his daughter wanted him close to her. His followers accepted his explanation. This is unbelievable. Once you are eating steak, I will accept cornbeef. What in the world is this.

bahamianson says...

No , the onus is on everyone to start their own business and take the risks that come with this action. Stop complaining about minimum wage and start your own business. You will not have to worry about minimum wage then, you will worry about how you are going to pay your employees.

On Bosses already scheming around minimum wage

Posted 2 November 2022, 9:37 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Ask the commissioner of police and Rodbey Moncur. Wasn't the commissioner brought in by the plp because of his experience? Talk to him about his new initiatives . They have new initiatives every week, and they still don't work.

bahamianson says...

Next is socialism. They need to close and others should join. The government makes bad decions , takes 70 people Egypt , and wants others to foot the bill. The government does what it wants to do . The people told the government do not make numbers legal, and they did the opposite. The government is a dictatorship. What it says goes. Not today , though. Make them beg.

bahamianson says...

Simple, fix, bring back.

bahamianson says...

The country is a failed state. We have failed. Our past and present leaders do not have the solution. It is so unfortunate. Luckily, everyone in the country has not heard this very bad news, otherwise, it would not be good for the body count. This is terrible.

On Doctors alarm at outsourcing plan

Posted 31 October 2022, 11:33 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Seems like half the males walking around us everyday have had some scuffle with the law. They think it is a right of passage, obviously.