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bahamianson says...

You don't know what the country is in because this problem is over your head. You financial guys can't make a balanced budget for you piggy bank. We are miserable in the Bahamas. It is better in the Bahamas , if you have money.

On Halkitis: Country is not in recession

Posted 19 October 2022, 10:23 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

I thought we did not have enough "troops" for our country , much less for Haiti. Well, those boys in Haiti do not play. Don't go over there playing because they are very aggressive and combative. You can lose you life, trippin. Dont go on patrol and same time. Oh, and leave those gals alone. You'll know how you go.

bahamianson says...

Arrogance is dripping off him

bahamianson says...

Just fire some employees to save some money.Your small business doesn't have to close.

bahamianson says...

Hold on, forget about the good and bad. What about the elephant in the room? This dude was a father of 8. Where was birth control? These women need an education and good advice about whom they spread their legs to. Good greif. Social Services, here I come. The Davis government now has to tax me for his 8 children. I now have to feed , clothe and educate them. I made a choice not to have any because I can't afford them. Make better choices, Bahamian Gals.

bahamianson says...

Who arw the high risk groups?

bahamianson says...

It is what it is, just study in Jamaica or the states. When you went to cuba, you knew what was at stake. You should hsve taken your head out of the sand. It is the same with nurses and tea hers. All who want to pursue nursing and teahing in the Bahamas, watch the news. You will be confronted with the same problems your professions face today. Do not act surprised when you graduate and are faced with the same problems.

bahamianson says...

All police racism against the poor black man, just like America.

bahamianson says...

Mindboggling. I was taking to a fellow whom has three kids. He was trying to encourage me to have another child seeing that I have two already. I told him that I could not afford another mouth to feed. In this same conversation, he tells me that he has to send his children to school with no lunch money, sometimes. So, why is he encouraging me to have more kids that I can afford, when he cant afford the three.that he had? People need to make better decisions . The government needs to educate Bahamians on economics and family planning.

On One in four Bahamians has had to skip meals

Posted 17 October 2022, 10:49 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

You caption under the picture says , Natanya green got shot. You article says she is the mother of the victim. Tadasha sears is the daughter whom got shot.