Comment history

bahamianson says...

Tell the PM rhat we have had a 100 year relationship with africa, just look around you. Also, do our national festivals all cater to africa because the bahamas is 100% african

bahamianson says...

Yes, and all the other teams they played will get better, also

bahamianson says...

Where are the wages going to grow? Where is the money coming from? Ok, we can increase VAT to 20%, increase the gas tax and pass it on to consumers, increase every license in the Bahamas. Increase Business license etc. Let us increase everything. Did the chief financial officer of the Bahamas not say that the Bahamas Government fell down on doing anything with inflation? Yes, he did. So what are you talking about ,Mr. Rolle? We are in trouble in the Bahamas.

bahamianson says...

All piticians must know that the public is watching!!! I see you.

bahamianson says...

Parent /teacher conference was rwmoved? You need more of them not less. Punctuality reduced feom 90 to 80 %. You need more of it not less. So, we lower our standards, ok, I get it.

On Graduation rate sees 14 percent increase

Posted 11 June 2024, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

So only important people are recognized. Youll better stop.

bahamianson says...

Bahamians find monet for what they want. So true, so true. If they want something t, it isn't expensive to them. If they do not want something and have to have it, it is expensive to them a lot of women have $20 in an $800 dollar bag.

bahamianson says...

Youll are something else. Fi s another word out of the political book, please.

bahamianson says...

So a policeman gets shot and we have to make him a hero? Stop playing the victim and work

bahamianson says...

Aweee, so.