Comment history

bahamianson says...

Is expected, seriously? Why cant we wait umtil he nominates as opposed to speculating. This is not news until he nominates. What if I win a million dollars? Who cares, I have not won it, yet.

bahamianson says...

The poorest are humans just like the richest. What iy boils down to is sacrifice , discipline, and making better decisions. Also, the poorest buy gucci, a new weave every month, new nails every month, new bikinis to go to church every month, new eyelashes every month, new handbags every month, large money pendants, exp3nsive rims, $200 on alcohol and cigars every month. Stop talking fooñishness. The "poorest people" in the country are the ones spending the most on nonessensials. The ones whom think about how to save a.dollar are the ones whom have a dollar. So, I guess the dumbest students are the ones who cant get a C on national exams. So, it is the smart students fault because the dumbest students do not have priorities. Is this the same minister whom could not pronounce a number?

On 'Poorest pay the most for electric’

Posted 2 May 2024, 8:40 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Ley all the stud3nts syart their own company , then they can make as much as they want.

bahamianson says...

What was it? 60% of government school children left school with a leaving certificate last year , and yoy want some privage company to hire them? Stop talking foolishness. The government dictates to the privage sector , then wants them to bail it out . These kida show up to school late, disrespect each other and the teachers. What do you think they will do in the private sector? They come to work late, leave early , disrespect the boss and complain all with wanting a pay raise.they need to get a gobment job where they can show up late, eat , dri k and go on the cell phone all day, then leave early. Let the government tax their income.

bahamianson says...

Are the drivers using them as taxis at night? Fovernment workers are always using the people's resources for their own financial benefit. The government allocat3d a tractor for Bahamian farmers and the dudes hired the tractor out for their personal benefit. The tractor is down and the farmers are out of luck. This behavior is no different in all other agencies. Does not surprise me. This is the people and the place where we live. The stud3nts come to school late , fighy and have no respect for authority, th3n they go in the work place , come late, fight , steal, disrespect customers and the boss and wr expect something different. All is lost for this genetation ....and the next if nothing is done.

bahamianson says...

Bahamas Press is an irresponsible propaganda machin3 and needs to be shut down. It reports many untruths and does not carw about the harm it inflicts on people. Shut them down!!!

bahamianson says...

Just another Sam bankman and ftx. We , in the Bahamas, seem to attract them. They see us just as cumbus did. I have a bunch of bananas, show me where the gold is. Let us see which bahamians he attract. Hopefully, Bahamians have learned their lesson from all the oyher scammers.

bahamianson says...

Well, history may repeat itself. Perry christie was called vomit , chrisyie because came back. He went on to be leader of the plp and PM. So, anything is possible.

On Minnis: The nation will know if I run

Posted 29 April 2024, 11:59 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

What a thing to say. Dude, if anyone drinks at a psrty, he/she is prone to get into an accident prior to arriving home. A number of situations can cause an accident and it has nothing to do with an unuasual high incid3nce. I know , it is high because Donald Trump caused it.

bahamianson says...

You want free cannibis growing license? Brother, if you receive it, you pay for a license. We all must pay our share.