Comment history

bahamianson says...

Casting pearls among swines, so to speak. I am not calling anyone a swine, only referring to the biblical reference. These people do not appreciate the money we spend on them. They will throw garbage in the yard, keep a derelict vehicle in the front to harbor rats, not paint the house, break the window fixtures , and the list continues. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day. Teach a man to fish , and he eats for a lifetime. They need to be taught about cleanliness and the value of a clean environment. The government has teaching to do. It always feels like it can throw money, police cars, surveillance cameras, and police in schools and thinks it is going to solve the crime mental problem. You must teach the next generation values and you will reap the harvest in 35 years.

bahamianson says...

80% of the American news media and reports carry water for the Democratic party and Fox News carry water for The Republican Party. It is what it is. Now, are we going to change it, is the question? Zns carried water for the PLP for years. They may now, still carry water . Who is in charge of ZNS, again?

bahamianson says...

Mudda sick, r u kidding me. Can you imagine the slackness in other departments converging on this program? Oh, I sorry, I forgot to plug the machine in, I was busy texting about gossip.

bahamianson says...

Wait , what? So , Pinder you totally missed the dumb response from the PM. Address rhar dumb response and stop with the ,I gat my buddy 's back. Yes , Fnm stupid , also.

bahamianson says...

Hold on, if you swing one way or the other, that is fine. How are you just going to pretend that the elephant in the room does not exist. Have you forgotten the billboatds erected under the fnm? Have you forgotten what brave and the plp said? Have you forgotten? Now, you do not address this? The fnm and the plp play around with the Bahamian people, and I have voted for both in the past. You clearly do not want to see . You remind me of the mothers whom say. " not my good son."

bahamianson says...

Nasty , nasty , nasty. These dang politicians travel all over the world and see beautiful places, yet come back home, drive downtown and see nothing wrong. Along with all the other damn problems we have , we must teach the grown-ups not to be damn nasty. This is pathetic. Grown ars swines are all around throwing garbage out of their hondas with the gold rims. Peoples perspectives and priorities need to be reformed. Downtown is a nasty , pissy, ugly, rodent infested place. And the government does not see anything wrong with that picture.

bahamianson says...

A few criminals are your sons, daughters, cousins nephews, nieces, uncles...etc. we all are criminals. We tip immigration officers, police officers, custom officers, nurses, water and sewerage workers, road traffic workers. Everyone. We sell weed, deal illegal guns, drive without licenses, rip people of in building contracts, everything. We are a terrible people. We inteoduced carnival, we let dulgar music play publically praising cursing, drugs, gun violence, pornography, lust etc. We cannot continue like this and feel lke it is going to be okay. It is not. We are in teouble. 50% of kids graduate with a leaving certificate. They have no respect for the law and they carry that attitude to the work force. Wow, we are in for a rough ride. Don't forget the 25 year old girls with 6 children and no job.

bahamianson says...

He is another Joe Biden.

bahamianson says...

So , how did this gentleman become a top lawyer , to his followers standards. He dies not seem to be too convincing on his lies and cover-ups. He does not seem logical. How can he speak about advisors when he advises people for a living? He went to a friend's jewerly storw when we were supposed to be in lockdown. He had no clue about the Bamsi fire that cost tax payers 2 milion dollars. He was minister when the plp supporter got a contract without insurance. He left Bahamians to fend for themselves during Covid when he told us that his daughter wanted him near her, apart from leaving his wife here. How can the captain of the ship leave his people and abandon ship while Bahamians fied because they did not have the influence and money that he had. This looks terrible on his behalf.

bahamianson says...

Didn't the deputy Prime say that it wasn't having an impact....Why do people lie so much?