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bahamianson says...

Do you expect him to say otherwise?

On Laroda confident despite housing shortage

Posted 8 February 2024, 9:47 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

It is Alleged that the police refused to give a rape kit. Stop your poor reporting. Stop speculating. Let the facts come and then make your judgement , either way. If the men are wrong , then they will have to pay for their actions. I gather that they will get morw time than if they raped a Bahamian, if they indeed do what is alleged. If the women are at fault, then they will be dealt with by the law.

bahamianson says...

Very sad. Condolences to the family and all affected. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. May God keep you .

bahamianson says...

We are records breakers in rape as well. Long live Carnival where women are honored.

bahamianson says...

Both are consultants and have been for sometime. Had their hiring stopped anything? We have lost money and the plp had grabbed some support because of their hiring. It is all political. They cannot and have not helped.

On Miller slams idea of violence interrupters

Posted 7 February 2024, 9:28 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Well, the courts are backlogged, and the Bahamas does not believe in executions like America. So justice is setved. Now, the government had to decide if they will enforce capital punishment via lethal injection to conteol the killings , or ley the gangs control the killings.

bahamianson says...

With inflation , this is a pickle. Social services needs to reach out with parenting information. These people need to realize that they cannot afford children and act accordingly, end of story. When I was in the states, I lived a transient life. I knew it was not my home. They need to realize that if you break the law, the law will come down on you. We have a crime problem as a rwsult of too many breaking the law. Stop breaking the law, it is here to keep us civil.

bahamianson says...

Teuly serious about traveling, increasing their salaries and planning parties and dinners that celebrate Bahamian history without Bahamians. The only people whom are invited are their friends, lovers and political assets. The rwst of the Bahamians just eat cornbeef and worship them.

bahamianson says...

Say set for vat reform, you mean government is going to in rease their fees. Thats all government does, it finds ways to tax, tax, tax without solving any problems. Roads are in shambles, murder in shambles electricity goes off, bus system in shambles, no one obeys laws in this lawless society. Sovial decay is everywhere, migration crisis, the government is in shambles, and that is the plp and the fnm governments. All the same. Children are rude and disrespectful. They go to school late , leave school with a.leaving certificate and expect to be hired. It is a mess. More than 50% leave without a diploma. Little girls are having 4-6 criminals, I mean children , which they cannot afford to raise. Let us not forget the worthless boys. They have more children and we have to pay higher taxes because of them . Well, I can create my own problem and have 10. Let the government buy them clothes, feed them and provide healthcare on the backs of working bahamians. This is a.terrible system.

On Private cruise islands set for VAT reform hit

Posted 6 February 2024, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Will need over 200.000 eyes. This country is expensive.