Comment history

bahamianson says...

Ok, let us look at history and not get carried away. Did you know that the crack epidemic came from the Bahamas? Well, according to Joe Biden it did. Ron Desantis' comments were not warranted, I agree, but so was Joe Bid3ns comments about crack. If you are going to comment about Americans that male comments that hurt Bahamians., i would agree that democratic and republican reps share the blame. Don't make the republican candidates out to be bad and not speak about Joe biden and his comments. Actually. You made reference to Ron Desantis and his Dorian comments. I would agree in part on some of you observations. However, i watch3d with my own eyes and ears when Ron desantis pleaded for money from Americans for the Dorian relief gor Bahamians. Please tell the whole truth. You cannot rewrite history because or your biases. I watched when Ron Desantis and Rick scott said they would deploy amphibian boats to Freeport because the beach3s where inaccessible for normal craft. I cannot let you mislead your readers. Yes, his comments were not good in regard to bombing us, but why did you not speak when Biden said crack was created in the Bahamas. Stop being narrow minded and a democrat. Tell both sides and not your biased side.

bahamianson says...

Yeah, you get a loan from the bank to build a house, and you use it to biy a car. Does that fly?

bahamianson says...

How much wood, would a woodchuck chop, if a woodchuck could chop wood? I guess 14.

bahamianson says...

Well for one, the parade would have been an hour longer

bahamianson says...

All the same area, all relative to a predator that can swim the distance in seconds.

bahamianson says...

Every debate in this country is about more money. People just can't get enough. Your eyes are too big and pocket too small.

bahamianson says...

How about just stop spending what we do not have

bahamianson says...

Confident like the electricity will not go of in the summer.... whatever!!

bahamianson says...

See, that picture says it all. All that photographer needs is that shark to have a bad day. That is life, risky business. I am glad he is having fun swimming with an apex predator.

bahamianson says...

Such irony. The same people whom are receiving the gifts are the same spending their last dollar in the number house. It seems like Fox and the others are laundering their soul. This isn't success , numbers was illegal for years. These guys were involved in nefarious activity , allegedly paid off many people , and got away with it. Kudos to them. What people should do is never buy numbers again

On So many are still in need

Posted 22 December 2023, 9:42 a.m. Suggest removal