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bahamianson says...

"Now we can ignore it and turn the other way".....what kind of statement is that? The child is 12. That is neglect by someone. Social services needs to find the sperm donor and egg donor. Very loose statement to make by a minister. That cannot be ignored.

bahamianson says...

The over the hill crew need jobs. They were not taught respect for others, they show up late to work, and the list goes on. Employers have to train students whom have leaving certificates. Wr are in a bad place because we have ignored the ways of our grandparents. They taught us respect for oneself and others. This crew is "let me fix ya".

bahamianson says...

The government must mark all designated beach accesses. All it has to do is put an aesthetically please sign up saying "Public Beach Access:. The rich out west cover the accesses with Bush, a gate or even a wall hoping that locals will not disturb them. The government must look out for our interest!!

bahamianson says...

Can the chairman check my feet? Listen, everyone straight except common Bahamians whom vote for financial abuse.let them eat steak while we eat sausage.

bahamianson says...

A church, a liquor store , a numbers house and are in every neighborhood. Buildings are built with no parking spaces for the employees or customers. Town planning , like the ministry of works, does not exist. They just get paid. Let new Providence be ghetto, but not Hog Island. I want New Providence to look like Hog Island. Let Wendy's thrive. We are in a Capitalist Society. Competition is it. Let Atlantis compete. The food is too expensive, the rates are expensive it is an overpriced Island .

bahamianson says...

They can rent Shane gibson's crowd.

bahamianson says...

Tell that to Joe biden and Obama. Both bought million dollar houses on the beach in Nantucket. I guess they give advice but don't heed their advice.

bahamianson says...

What's next? A job is next because his political career is over. He has to work like everyone else. No chauffeur, no rustling through traffic like he is important, no perks, no contacts. He is a regular , like all of us. Wake up and get a.job.

On EDITORIAL: What’s next for Shane Gibson?

Posted 23 October 2023, 7:53 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Shane has to form his own prty. He can join the coalition party, if they would take him. He seems to love being in control, people, watch out.

bahamianson says...

Listen, there is a way to do things. This is not the way. Just because you don't get your way, you wimper like a little kid? I support the chairman , Fred Mitchell. It is about democracy and principles. Shane Gibson sounds like Donal , the Big O Trump, Hillary Clinton. You lost, now go get a job like everyone else.Let your boss tell you what to do and when to come.