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bahamianson says...

How is it that the PM is talking about this matter but when something bad happens , he does not recall? He always seems to distance himself for bad situations but wants to talk about everything. If it is a bad situation he says he has no knowledge of it but seems to know everything. Such irony.

bahamianson says...

Well, Sam was in the news and doing photo Ops with the PLP like crazy. It seemed like the PLP was taking a victory lap until everything went up in smoke. If you go on youtube, you can find videos of some plp ministers having a good time at Nygard Cay. Everytime some questionable character comes to town, the plp reps are not far behind. Didn't a plp lawyer do many legal transactions for SAM? Only the big wigs make the millions not the average bahamian. Didn't another plp wanted three contracts with the izmerolian people? Some always are trying to put every finger in the cookie jar. The truth is not far behind. When you see smoke, look for the fire.

bahamianson says...

Pageantry, that is all it is. They can't stand the crown but want all the bells and whistles to go with it. Bunch of hypocrites

bahamianson says...

Really? No...couldn't have guessed.

bahamianson says...

Yup , and the other article said 4 people attempted suicide in the last few weeks. Try buying a box of cherrio , ice cream or potatoe chips, the cherrios box looks the same from the front , but it is smaller from the side. The ice cream container is the same from the front but smaller from the side. The big potato chip bag hardly has a handful of chips, yet the bag is full of air. Shrink flatiron is real. These crooks make the food item smaller and increase the price. Wendy's burger buns and patty both look smaller, yet Wendy's goes up every few months. I stopped Going to Wendy's because I can't afford fast, expensive food anymore. It is a travesty of both parties over the decades when the citizens can't afford bad foods. Only the money girls can afford restaurant, expensive cell phones, shoes, weave , tattoos etc because they service a few stupid fellows.

bahamianson says...

How can you work, directly or indirectly , in the PM's office and have no respect for law and order. Wr need a national drive to teach citizens respect for each other. It doesn't start in the home anymore, so it will have to start in the schools. People have stopped going to church , so definitely start and finish in the school. If students are allowed to come to school late and get away with bad behavior, what are they going to do once employed? They will come to work late and do what they want to do. Discipline needs to be enforced in the home and schools.

On Seized: Police put guns on display

Posted 4 October 2023, 8:14 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Is it mental health or a feeling of hopelessness? When all you see are prices in the grocery store going up every week, gas going up crime going up everything going up, potholes in every road except Bahamar road, buses doing their own thing politicians stealing and getting reward3d, and only politicians partying and celebrating the 50th, you can see why people feel the way they do. we are failing in all aspects of society , and we truly need Jesus to comfort and keep us. Look around, where are the answers? Only thing is, save the little you have for important spending , and stop having so many children. Focus on family, combine salaries in a household to contribute to the escalating BEC bill, water bill, cell phone bill, garbage bill, food bill, car license bill, car insurance bill, and all other bills. Wr are in a sad time and expensive place.

bahamianson says...

Bahamians are too slack when it comes to jobs. How is it a minor issue when someone could have died? The person whim said that should be evaluated.

bahamianson says...

Get cable bahamad poor service in the western area , also. Cable bahamas charges a lot of money but gives piss poor service. All we do in this country is pay big salaries for no productivity.

bahamianson says...

Have we not learned to be careful in whom shares our bed? Why would our prime ministers want to jump so quickly when a foreigner offers money without checking the background? Then, when the plp gets the money and the praise for bringing him in, they say the white man or foreigner is the devil. How can you give the white foreigner the red carpet, take his money, then call him a racist devil? Such hypocrites we are....