Comment history

bahamianson says...

Appreciate that piece of information. Maybe we will get like America whom has had three political groups for 250 years.

bahamianson says...

Let me guess,Branville is running in the next election. You can read these guys like a book. Oh, my bad, Bahamians do not read books.

On Rise in divorce after COVID

Posted 15 September 2023, 8:34 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

If I am not mistaken, the officer gets points if the assumed individual is charged. So, we are still at a point where officers have to dot their i's and cross their t's. They do not get points for arrests, but for arrests and charged individuals. If someone is abused, then the individual can follow the established protocols. Crawl back under your rock, please.

bahamianson says...

Yeah, this guy is something else. The implication of his comment is beyond his comprehension. I think he means well, though.

bahamianson says...

Thank you for letting is know that. We will do what you say.

On Welcome to The Bahamas, Mr President

Posted 14 September 2023, 4:28 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Seriously? Like the comments above mentioned, every race has been enslaved over the course of history. All races are entitled to an apology, not just the black race. Wake up on time, go to work on time , and work. It seems like this is a novel concept.

bahamianson says...

They need to put the names of the people that have disclosed in the paper. We can do the rest of the work. The government is total crap. The same government publicized names of engineers, Physicians, Dentist, etc in the paper , but they can't put their own names in the paper? No one goes after them. Who will watch , the watchers? Total corruption!!!

On Six months and still no answers on disclosures

Posted 12 September 2023, 9:46 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

This is unbelievable and blatantly wrong!!! All bahamians should be outraged about what happened to Mrs. Ferguson. She said what happened and was fired. Maybe she should have lied and kept her job. That is a ridiculous proposition. Wrong is wrong !!! The plp goes after the fnm and the fnm goes after the plp. What the hell is this country? Those people have families whom depend on them. I encourage people not to vote!! The politicians in power benefit from our country not the citizens. They enjoy all the parties ,celebrations, salaries and perks while the common man had to work for their pleasure. How disgusting!!

bahamianson says...

If every corruption complaint were investigated , there would probably be no politicians , police offers, defense force officers, immigration officers, water and sewerage employees, bpl employees, customs officers, left working.the majority of civil servants are corrupt, in my view.

bahamianson says...

Retailers , stop whining , put your money where your mouth is. Ya sound just like the government, always talking.