Comment history

bahamianson says...

At the beginning, you have a male and female coming together . Are the two responsible enough to raise a child in the way that he or she should go? There is the problem that social services must address. Teens having children does not do the society any favours. We need responsible adults to have children. Guys drop a child in every community leaving the female to pick up the pieces. There are a number of stories where a mother relies on the eldest 6th child to bring home the bacon, only to see him shot in the streets. This needs to be addressed on many levels. Any individual wanting to have a child must take parenting class. The government needs to provide the classes and make them mandatory! Otherwise , we will continue to spin. Let us continue this same yearly conversation in the next 10 years, like all the other problems we continue to talk about.

bahamianson says...

No public interest.... SPOT ON.

On No public interest in Sand Dollar

Posted 30 August 2023, 6:45 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Name calling is truly not appropriate.

bahamianson says...

Nooooo....seriously? Didn't expect that.

bahamianson says...

That equipment does not belong to the ministry. The equipment belongs to the employees. They are the ones.whom are going to take themouy and use them privately. They will use them until they run them to the ground. The tax payers will not benefit. That is how it works in this make believe country. tell me i am wrong!! i am waiting.

On Ministry unveils road improvement equipment

Posted 29 August 2023, 6:18 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

No surprise, that is how the secretary stole $850,000 from C.OB the ladt time. They still haven't learned!!! We in the Bahamas never learn , only repeat the same mistakes.

bahamianson says...

Tough , Buddy. So, you want it to sit under a tree and smoke? I thought the Rasta community wated weed for religious purposes. It seems that " the cause" was a scam the whole time. You got it for rwligious reasons, so be happy and keep quiet.

bahamianson says...

Ya ga have a lot of religious people in the Bahamas, hallelujah!

bahamianson says...

Such irony. If we need a larger police presence in our schools, it says that we have failed.

bahamianson says...

Too funny, but so true.