Comment history

bahamianson says...

Yes, think about it. Companies will have to pay more out. More people will be laid off to balance out the profit. We have failed.

bahamianson says...

Inmy humble opinion, minister , you have it wrong. It sounds good to say, but reducing guns on the street does not reduce violence. If people are inclined to be violent, they will be violent with a stick, knive, car , or gun. The gun is a tool to carry out the violence intended. It is good to reduce illegal guns , not legal guns. Legal guns are not the issue. It is the illegal guns that are they problem. So , let's get to the primary schools and high schools teaching kindness, respect and civility. Let us get to the parents to reinforce what is taught by the teachers, that's how you reduce the mindset of violence. A tool , like a gun , is not violent. Get the churches preaching about respct , and honor. Get the civic groups encouraging respect for people and property. Have televisión, Internet promotions about respect and family. Have billboards around town addressing the issue.

bahamianson says...

Wait, they tested in13 feet water depth for a 4000 meter dive? The photic zone is around 200 feet. You can see everything. You can't.see squat at 13000 feet. Sounds like the FTX deal. They come here bringing bananas while we give them our gold. Christopher Columbus all over again.

bahamianson says...

So you mean employers should not give raises because everybody pays more to the government while the government uses the extra money to travel to every place on the globe besides Haiti.

On NIB rate hikes every two years

Posted 21 June 2023, 9:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Hold on, when the fnm did it fritzgerald was up and down on saunders beach with busloads of people saying that the fnm was destroying trees. Upper hogwash! Also the fnm was criticized about building roads. The plp did the same with village road and now more roads. Let's see if fritzgerald and his busloads are going to protest. Oh, i forgot, fritzgerald is senior advisor to the prime ninister. My bad.

bahamianson says...

Look out for da man dem!!

On Men are abused too; hidden truth

Posted 21 June 2023, noon Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

I do.

On Cafe Matisse to close doors permanently

Posted 21 June 2023, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Wait, what? Did you say prostitutes? You mean those girls by the police station? Just saying....

bahamianson says...

Well said.

bahamianson says...

Didnt Abaco want to separate from the Bahamas a few years ago? How dis it go? Now, it is catching hell. That is how life is. When you are doing well, you think you do not need anyone. The minute life gets rough, you do Ghost Busters. Who do you call?