Comment history

bahamianson says...

What, is he paying for it with his money? Thought not. He is using our money and talking about promising. I can promise you the world, once it isn't coming out of my pocket.

bahamianson says...

And does this tax benefit the bottle , sugar company? Sodas should be banned like PitBulls. Both kill indiscriminately.

On 'Can't tax Bahamas into better health'

Posted 6 June 2023, 2:08 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...


bahamianson says...

Yeah, because when Ai comes, it will take all of the jobs that are need3d for 5000 students that graduate each year in the Bahamas. The government will have its hands full . All entey level jobs gone to Ai and no jobs left for students leaving government schools. It willbe very interesting.

bahamianson says...

Slippery tongue, lawyers got us. If the police record charge is $5 and VAT is 10%, you pay .50 cents. If there is no VAT uncrease , but a fee increase from $5 to $7.50, now, the government gets .75 cents. They are slippery people , taking bahamians for fouls.

bahamianson says...

So , no tax increases but we will increase fees. VAT stays the same, but all cost increases. If cost increases, VAT stays the same ,but the government collects more. Such a slippery tongue.

bahamianson says...

That is beside the point. We all have our opinion, and all opinions should be freely heard. America does not hear all opinions, only their opinion matters. Them flying a flag in our country is a slap in the face. They should not be allowed to dictate their views on us. Now, kamala is coming and will try the same thing. America is a bully, and like bullirs, if you don't do what they say, you get blacklisted or beaten up.

bahamianson says...

Ways to improve it? Why reinvent the wheel? The bible says" raise up a child in the way that he should go", or is that old , and too antiquated? Oh, I know, there needs to be a new way, like everything else.

bahamianson says...

Yup, gotta watch out for those gender based accidents.

bahamianson says...

Attention ,Attention, telling frivers to slow down isn't working,lazy police officer.