Comment history

bahamianson says...

We must stop this gender violence against men. When will it stop. Enough is enough.

bahamianson says...

Hold on, are we ending violence against men and women , or just violence against women......just to be clear. Politics is a disgusting game. Men are constantly shot but there is no outcry to end violence against men. Is is normal to have violence against men but not women? It seems like it is not normal to have violence against women. I am not blaming women for the poor selection of bad boy , drug dealer, mother disrespecter pick in boyfriends, but women need to take some responsibility in the thug they puck. Now, no one should be abused , regardless of their poor decision in men.

bahamianson says...

Surw thing because I love to go on gladstone road with my assult rifle. They should ban them. What the hell is this. Assult rifles are illegal now. Why are we banning something that is already illegal. What morons.

On CARICOM agrees to ban assault weapons

Posted 20 April 2023, 6:51 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Still investigating the issue? Wow, so, a wife can be bruised and raped if the say no. Are women property because that's what it sounda like. I own you , and you do what I say . Even if I just stepped out of our marriage with the girl down the street, you have to still give me some. Wow!

bahamianson says...

And this surprises you? We are behind the whole pool table in everything and in front of the pool table in Rape, abortion, cancers ...............

bahamianson says...

We steal from Peter to pay Paul.

bahamianson says...

We will never be out of the woods with: government spending, higher taxes, nurses constantly wanting raises, prison officers constantly wanting raises , teachers constantly wanting raises, taxes again increasing because of these raises, road construction constantly being done, sports stadium constantly in you get the drift? The Bahamian Economy is like a hampster on a hampster wheel.

bahamianson says...

So, who do we thank for the decline?

bahamianson says...

Boy , you'll so called politicians play the same card every time. So, am I to assume that you care for the poor straw vendors? When the fnm is in power , the plp pander to them. Now, the plp is in power, the fnm is pandering. You'll mussy tink dis a game.

bahamianson says...

I would like to know what the man/woman in the middle is showing the other men/women?