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bahamianson says...

Yes, but the tool does not work.

bahamianson says...

Lifeboat economics. We take them in.....we drown.

On EDITORIAL: Action on Haiti needed - but what?

Posted 26 January 2023, 12:11 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

Also, when the typical American comes to the Bahamas, they contribute to our country. Haitians typically drain us. And taxes have to be increased to help support them in schools for uniforms, breakfast and lunch, plus Healthcare. Do you know whom pays those taxes? You and I pay those increased taxes for their 20 children

bahamianson says...

Ms. Wallace, I wonder what American news station you listen to, with white supremacy. Girl, get a life and move to a democratic state. How about black bahamian supremacy? Black Bahamians have been talking badly about Haitians for decades . How do you bypass that and go straight to white supremacy just to go with your CNN agenda?

bahamianson says...

Lol, money needed.

On Modernisation of healthcare needed

Posted 25 January 2023, 7:15 p.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

It is like a government job and that is how the nurses and physicians see it. Come in , sit down , go to lunch early, and leave to pick kid up from school never to return that day. The doctors and nurses do not care. They only want the raise.

bahamianson says...

All you have to do is buy the blood from the citizens. Put flyers up around the university of the Bahamas letting students know that you will pay for blood donations , and you will never run out of blood. When I was in college, my roommate used to sell his blood to the blood bank. He could only give blood in the time allocated. He got money for the blood and that is why he did it.

On Blood banks ‘in critical state’

Posted 24 January 2023, 10:40 a.m. Suggest removal

bahamianson says...

My heart and prayers go out to you and your family, sir. I stand with you.

bahamianson says...

Nailed it, cobalt. Pmh is a disgrace. It is like all the other governmental agencies. All of those adjectives you mentioned describes pmh and all others. Whenever I walk into a governmental agency, I shutter. Who is late? Who is not at their desk? Who is on vacation? Who is out to lunch at this time? My condolences to the lady and her family. Pmh , you'll need a.raise. you'll always need a.raise. ya to damn greedy. Do some work for a change.

bahamianson says...

So everything is going to be ok, since the independence logo was revealed. These parties do not make everything ok. Work had to be done and hard decisions need to be made in order to try to place a.dent in the social ills and crime.

On Countdown to 50 is on

Posted 20 January 2023, 6:34 a.m. Suggest removal