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bahanite says...

What is the grading system in the Bahamas, and dose it apply from elementrys school to high schools?
We as parents need to start doing our homework and stop blaming others. Not much people like to hear the truth, but the truth of the matter is that parents need to stop hanging in the web shop, stop hanging in the bars, stop hanging on the blocks and stop hanging with the sweetheart and go help your child or children with their home work. Go through their books and see which area they are weak so you can help to strengthening them in those subjects.
There is a saying, you can carry the horse to the well but you cannot make him drink. The teacher can teach all that they know if the children don't know how to learn they will not get it.
We need to teach them at home how to learn so that wend they go to school they will be good learners. Stop throwing stones and hiding your hands.

On Exam results graded a D

Posted 18 August 2013, 11:30 a.m. Suggest removal