Comment history

bakman says...

Finally, the government decided to do what we voted them in to do - govern. As far as 'clean up' costs are concerned, that is irrelevant, as oil companies (BPC and its larger partner) will have insurance policies to cover this.

At least we will have a chance of not putting our kids in debt for the rest of their lives.

bakman says...

No country in history has ever had oil, and not tried to explore for it. If there is oil, the lives of the people of the Bahamas will be changed forever (subject to the correct environmental protections being in place). BPC cannot drill on its own, and needs a 'major' as a partner - which it's in the process of getting. If there is no oil, then there will not be any risk of an environmental disaster, so nothing to worry about.

On COLUMN: The three gambles of Perry Christie

Posted 30 August 2012, 12:05 p.m. Suggest removal