Comment history

bandit says...

Now you talking about drugs and stuff. I guess you have not visited any other islands in the caribbean to make a statement like that. What caribbean island have you visited. Those are the places that are competing for the same tourist dollars. If you talking about the States then that's a different situation. Or maybe you have not travel at all

bandit says...

What caribbean city have you visited. Which one would you say is nice??? let me know

bandit says...

That is true but you would never hear any Jamaicans, Haitian or Guyanese putting down their cities. Leave it up to Bahamians and we are the first to say and jump on any band wagon putting down our place.

bandit says...

I don't care what you all have to say. I am proud of my beautiful Nassau. NO port in the caribbean is as modern and beautiful as Nassau the capitol of the Bahamas. To many haters on this site. Bahamians are always putting down their own and lifting up other places. Nassau is the crown jewel of the caribbean. Name any port that comes near to the beauty of Nassau.. Name one.

bandit says...

You just looking at what writers say. I doubt for one minute you have been to any of those ports. You probably just going on hearsay. Again as I said, before Nassau is the crown jewel of caribbean ports. Maybe hard for some of your to swallow.

bandit says...

You all talking about old buildings in Nassau??? Havana is where you will find thousands of old unkept buildings but yet you all have the nerve to be talking down our beautiful city of Nassau. Shame on you all. I am not afraid of Cuba opening. we just have to step up our game.

bandit says...

You talking about the prices of things in stores while I am talking about the beauty of the port itself. Which one of those ports that you have mentioned is actually prettier than Nassau??? Please tell me. I bet you don't have any answer for that one. Nassau is the crown jewel of the caribbean.

bandit says...

Look where you gone London, Paris, Rome, New York, etc. We talking about the caribbean ..Please stay in region where our competition is. Thanks

bandit says...

What port you walk on that was better than Nassau. Please you just talking.

bandit says...

What port in the caribbean do you know that is better than Nassau. You all on here just talking a bunch of crap defaming our beautiful city. No other caribbean port is better than Nassau plain and simple.