Comment history

banker says...

I would be interested in seeing the no_BS, truthful publications of volume and trading activity.

banker says...

Who would have thought that Tourism could collapse almost overnight?

banker says...

Totally concur.

banker says...

Bahamians have a taste for apps, just not for ones that don't help.

banker says...

Bahama Mar and The Pointe was supposed to be swarming with Bahamian workers, and that didn't happen either. We had an influx of cheap Chinese labour. Enquiring minds would want to know the root cause of this phenomenon.

banker says...

She's a charmer. When Potcake went to collect his rents and was told to eff off by the tenants, he sent Leslia in, and she got the money.

On Following in her father’s footsteps

Posted 8 July 2020, 11:29 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

Do they not have a compliance officer looking at all holdings, trades and transactions? What a bush bank. Another black eye for Bahamian "Financial Services".

banker says...

Proud of the people stubbornly holding on to the dream and vision of a better tomorrow, while all portents, evidence, odds and signs point the other way.

On What makes you proud to be Bahamian?

Posted 6 July 2020, 11:08 a.m. Suggest removal

banker says...

The crazy part is that the government believes that it can move forward without appointing a Chief Information Officer to make sure that all government departments can talk to each other. Right now, each ministry hires a different vendor for their systems that in the long run, will create more chaos and backwardness.

banker says...

This problem with folks will only grow and sadly, I can't think of any solutions other than charity. But the problem will be so big, that charity will not be able to cope.

On ‘Can anyone out there help me?’

Posted 19 June 2020, 11:26 a.m. Suggest removal