Comment history

bcitizen says...

NIB has basically become a sort of payroll tax.

bcitizen says...

The Bahamas banks do not even really want land anymore for collateral. All they want is cash secured loans. Our banks are nothing more than loan sharks at best. High interest, high collateral and tons of paperwork.

bcitizen says...

The Bahamas has no banks anymore. We have loan sharks and all they do is charge you to keep your money in a electronic vault that is hacked all the time.

bcitizen says...

How much this council going to get paid?

bcitizen says...

Even if you have a problem with the government. You might as well burn the Bahamian flag if you throw the mace out the window.

bcitizen says...

"highlighted the ongoing need for The Bahamas to manufacture and produce more at home including food." This is rich considering NAFTA and the lowering of import duties is what has destroyed the Bahamas agriculture sector. These people just talk a bunch of fluff garbage not know what they are saying.

bcitizen says...

The closest thing to eternal life on earth is a Government Program -Ronald Regan. Our government keeps adding and adding and adding more agencies, programs, departments, more and more. Nothing ever goes away. That is why we are broke. The government is so big and no one knows what is going on and we are paying people to do nothing and in fact get in the way like a dead body laying in the way of a fire escape.

On IMF ‘out of touch’ on Bahamas VAT hike

Posted 22 November 2024, 8:06 a.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Do not care and do not give a sh$t. The Bahamas gov, retailers, and consumers hung the agri sector out to dry decades ago and no one cared. I can not wait for a Walmart to open up in Nassau. I think it should be a national priority. It is all about the consumer right? Until no one has jobs to be able to consume anything. I guess I could always get me one job at road traffic or the post office or something.

bcitizen says...

Shame is the bribes are not to do illegal things but, to just get the regular everyday legal things done

On Nearly 75% of Bahamian businesses pay bribes

Posted 13 November 2024, 10:35 a.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Do not care and do not give a sh$t. The Bahamas gov, retailers, and consumers hung the agri sector out to dry decades ago and no one cared. I can not wait for a Walmart to open up in Nassau. I think it should be a national priority. It is all about the consumer right? Until no one has jobs to be able to consume anything. I guess I could always get me one job at road traffic or the post office or something.

On Chamber says Amazon poses ‘imminent threat’

Posted 13 November 2024, 10:21 a.m. Suggest removal