Comment history

bcitizen says...

Exactly we are focusing on property owners and the tourist/consumer. What is Airbnb as a company itself paying out of its pockets?

bcitizen says...

These type rentals can be/are something more unique to the Bahamas than other places. They are missing the entire point of a site like Airbnb and why it suits what tourism product we should be going after and not anchor hotels and cruise ships. You can rent just a room or even a couch in your house if you want to on Airbnb. Airbnb is self regulating with their host and guest review system. No need for the Ministry to get mixed up in it with government interference. It has great potential to allow Bahamians to participate in their number one industry. Yes some foreign home owners are making money off it as well but, they are paying property tax, stamp tax, duty, and VAT on every repair, upgrade, property manager, water, electricity etc that they consume and their guests are renting cars, eating out, and spending money. Allot of things like VAT, Duty, and Property tax are exempted from the hotels who have heads of agreements. So to suggest a free ride/ in even playing field is ridiculous. Many airbnb renters would never come to the Bahamas to stay in a hotel. They are a different type of tourist. Why just airbnb not vacation rental by owner and many other sites? The more well todo use those sites more than airbnb because, airbnb people are looking for experiences not big mansions and mega resorts. Do not kill a unique tourism product that allows our people one of the best opportunities ever to participate in our #1 industry that we have been shut out of for so long.

bcitizen says...

Learn about democracy. It is not just about the majority rule! The majority cannot do whatever they want if it is going to violate an individuals freedom.

"tyranny of the majority" (or "tyranny of the masses"), used in discussing systems of democracy and majority rule, involves the scenario in which decisions made by a majority place its interests above those of an individual or minority group, constituting active oppression comparable to that of tyrants and despots.[1] In many cases a disliked ethnic, religious or racial group is deliberately penalized by the majority element acting through the democratic process.

On Same sex relationships

Posted 13 April 2015, 1:52 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

I think the fact of the matter is Abaco and Freeport for example also have lots of land, water, much better infrastructure and larger local populations for example. The government cant force an investor to invest where they do not want too. There is a reason more faming is occurring on these two islands versus Andros despite all the efforts to turn Andros into a farm hub.

On $2m farm start-up targeting 30 jobs

Posted 9 May 2014, 6:22 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

I have some experience doing this same thing in the Bahamas and for 5000 trees this is what I estimate to get them to maturity and I have been very generous with these figures.

Trees 5000 $25.00 a tree $125,000.00
Land Prep $6,000.00 per 1000 $30,000.00
Irrigation $4,000.00 per 1000 $20,000.00
Ongoing Maintenance for $262,500.00
for 3-4 years to get trees mature


bcitizen says...

I don't use marijuana and don't really care too but it does have some medical benefits. Drugs like marinol are THC based medications controlled by prescriptions just like other drugs. Can he please explain the difference between medical marijuana (THC) based medical treatments and drugs versus the opioid based ones which are far more addictive and dangerous drugs that are used for pain among other things. Morphine, oxycodone, vicodin, codein etc which are all commonly abused by the way? If a substance can be used/dosed and controlled correctly with regulations for medical treatments it should be made available.

bcitizen says...

Better to start doing this now very very slowly and in controlled fashion balanced with taxes and economic growth because it will happen one day with or without VAT. Look at Barbados even with VAT they wouldn't stop spending and have borrowed so much foreign money no one will lend them any anymore they are laying off so many people and facing a currency devaluation. The market will correct itself and the longer you push it off and the bigger bubble you make the more painful it will be. VAT will make the bubble only bigger unless there is a major shift in the Bahamas economy like finding oil for example.

On VAT alternatives

Posted 21 December 2013, 10:50 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Spend some time talking about all the single teen parent children of this country (far more prevalent of a problem) instead of gay peoples business and get back to us on that. Religion loves keeping people in poverty that is why they don't speak about such issues with vigor. No poverty no money for the collection plate! And what better way then uncontrolled reproduction.

On Mitchell wrong to support gay rights

Posted 21 December 2013, 10:37 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Actually a devalued dollar will make the Bahamas less attractive to illegal immigrants who want to export their dollars the Haiti. Also less likely they will setup shop here to trade labour for dollars. There are some benefits and most people think the whole idea is not up for discussion. You really don't understand how the monetary system works. Lets say our central bank with the government did what the USA is doing right now but, we are paying for their devaluation without any benefit decided to debase our currency by 5% over the next 3-5 years by printing more money. #1 The government could pay their bills. #2 When currency is created in this way it is given to banks and enters the money supply via loans. So #3 credit gets cheaper stimulating the economy. #4 Imported items get more expensive driving consumption of Bahamian made items. #5 less drain on our reserves. #6 more people get employed. I personally hate the worlds monetary system it is a system of debt that cant ever be repaid but, I believe this not VAT will get us out of the mess we are in quicker and for a longer term and the rich get hit with the same % as the poor there is no escaping currency devaluation actually even worse they might have money sitting in the bank. With VAT you also get decreased spending power but both local and foreign and it will hit you all at once and a drag on the economy and you can bet you bottom dollar the wealthy will find a way around this.

On VAT alternatives

Posted 21 December 2013, 10:32 p.m. Suggest removal

bcitizen says...

Actually a devalued dollar will make the Bahamas less attractive to illegal immigrants who want to export their dollars the Haiti. Also less likely they will setup shop here to trade labour for dollars. There are some benefits and most people think the whole idea is not up for discussion. You really don't understand how the monetary system works. Lets say our central bank with the government did what the USA is doing right now but, we are paying for their devaluation without any benefit decided to debase our currency by 5% over the next 3-5 years by printing more money. #1 The government could pay their bills. #2 When currency is created in this way it is given to banks and enters the money supply via loans. So #3 credit gets cheaper stimulating the economy. #4 Imported items get more expensive driving consumption of Bahamian made items. #5 less drain on our reserves. #6 more people get employed. I personally hate the worlds monetary system it is a system of debt that cant ever be repaid but, I believe this not VAT will get us out of the mess we are in quicker and for a longer term.

On VAT alternatives

Posted 21 December 2013, 10:05 p.m. Suggest removal