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bernard20051988 says...

very true!!

bernard20051988 says...

I normally never feel inclined to respond to the tribune but I must say you guys have to win the award for the most blatantly biased paper in the world. FOX is a joke to you guys. If u guys could be half as balanced in your articles maybe we would have a better informed electorate.
Your headline is Grossly misleading. I submit if this was Hubert Ingraham the headline would be completely different. while I am no Christie fan, its sickening to see the bias you guys display. Many times Ingraham told reporters "ine come here for dis" or "ine answerin dat" or he simply ignored them. Never did you have an article saying o, Ingraham don't have time to answer questions Bahamians want answers too. Even though I blame the PM because he is too media friendly in my view, and he makes you guys believe that he must accommodate yall every where he goes, shoots he went to make a presentation NOT to field questions from the its his right to decline to be interviewed.........If you guys truly want to do the country justice....have this same approach when the other party is in power...and if you cant...atleast TRY to do a better job in covering up your bias. The media plays a great role in this country...this is suppose to be a respected paper...but as a young person I say without hesitation, you guys are slowly becoming nothing more than a tabloid for the FNM and that's sad.