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bigbadbob says...

litium batteries are 90 percent recyclable, how much greener do you want, considering the alternative is burning oil like you do now in the Bahamas at three times the price . notice how tthe price of oil is 1/3 from a year ago yet your still paying almost the same price. my house has been off grid 3 years on solar, zero electrical cost and now 100 percent paid for.

On LOI controversy costs a Stellar $1m and more

Posted 6 September 2015, 4:15 p.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

considering plasma is a pie in the sky technology, many have tried, all have failed long term tests. the cost to separate the usable fuel stock out of the garbage far exceeds profitability. solar is way cheaper and many many times more reliable, new batteries are proving that solar and wind are the way to go for low cost electrical.

On LOI controversy costs a Stellar $1m and more

Posted 5 September 2015, 8:59 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

damage done expats are leaving and telling people back home how stupid it is to do bussiness with bahamas. the rules change like there underwear.

bigbadbob says...

problem is the expats are believing and seeing there not wanted, I know of at least 10 have left and taking there sizable amount of money with them, I know of many more working to sell assets and leave, no country can survive with out to out side investments, . one guy packed up his construction company laid off 30 workers and left.,after immigration gave his wife a hard time . not what we need right now.

On Mitchell to Sarkis: Conform or leave

Posted 5 August 2015, 8:44 a.m. Suggest removal

bigbadbob says...

what about the money Bahamas owes Baha Mar for the road?

bigbadbob says...

passport in canada is 5 days with a request for extra speed 35.00 extra , normaly 14-20 days ,

bigbadbob says...

I know Ceva a great smart lady, what she is trying to say is what i see other people complaining about I know a couple who invested 4 million on a bussines in freeport applied for perminant residensy 15 years ago and have had their paypers lost 4 times appled and reapplied time after time and have recived nothing , they go into immigration every few months for years asking whats happening and they have paid the 10,000 fee nothing what a joke.

bigbadbob says...

banker your numbers are out the110 million for vat was 3 months not 5 as you used.

bigbadbob says...


bigbadbob says...

plasma garbage conversion does not work well many have tried and all have failed, to much down time and to high a cost per kw none that i know of are still running , its a smoke and mirror game.