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biggiefries says...

its not ok for bahamains to look for the goverment to overlook there responsibllites if you have bills pay them the government has to do the same. but that corrupt element is part of what is fueling the crime problem we have i have talked with alot of young people and that tred is wide spread believe it or not, i am a youth leader in my church and this problem with crime will only be addressed when we send a strong message across the board. we also need to learn that if we owe someone or company we should contact them and see if arrangments could be made. bahamains must learn to take reponsiblity for there actions

On Ingraham quits politics

Posted 9 May 2012, 10:52 p.m. Suggest removal

biggiefries says...

well you talk about urban renewal, which is all the christe administration really had to show from its last term, i personally love tha program but it is to costly to run, which is probally why the plp was unable to acomplish anything else. they say they are going to restart it i hope they find a way to fund it. if not there wil deffinately be no salary increases like they promised and Perry is too affraid to legalize the numbers rachet

On Ingraham quits politics

Posted 9 May 2012, 10:42 p.m. Suggest removal