Comment history

biminibhs says...

duppyVAT your racism is shining thru. The woman who wrote this you expect must be from Long Island because why? And you expect her to write this because why? Yet, Taylor and Cartwright (using your own racist correlation to Long Island) would speak differently? Check yaseff.

biminibhs says...

Hmmmm. Revolutionary exhibits the mental pathology of several minority groups:
The 'downtrodden and suffering' black man/woman, the 'poor and suffering' illegal immigrants and the 'dejected and suffering' gay population. Can anyone take responsibility for themselves? The oversensitivity this person appears to experience because of an opinion article, matched with their overcompensation by pulling apart the opinion of someone who does not share their view is quite telling. Is it a coincidence that the only article Revolutionary has voted on is one about gay marriage? And then the same one post 7 times on different stories? A psychosis no doubt. Where is Kermit the Frog with his Lipton tea?