Comment history

bismark says...

This has been going on in construction for too long,majority of masons on the site are Haitian,yet they have a gardener or handyman permit,which is wrong they are defrauding the government,what should be done,all contractors hiring foreigners,if they are found to be doing work different than their permit states;fine them $5000 for each person found,i don't think you would have that problem any longer.

bismark says...

point a gun at police and he was shot for nothing?the minute you point a gun at a police,it is obvious what will happen either you are fatally shot,or you may be lucky and just be shot.mothers always cloak for their children,it is the reason why crime is so prevalent in society,i do not know the individual who was shot,but a word of advice to him and others,if you value your life,dont point a gun at an officer of the law.

On Mother angry after son shot by police

Posted 22 March 2014, 6:08 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

This individual,broke the law a many number of years with his numbers racket,now HE is giving advice?you might as well go and call out the major known drug and human traffickers as well and ask their advice on their nefarious activities.only in the Bahamas,make millions breaking the law,then you are giving advice?The country is presently in the middle of a vexing crime problem,we speak out against our young men killing one another,rapes,armed robbery,drugs,the social ills are many,but yet some still find time to glorify this clown and the rest of his lawbreaking colleagues,no crime is worse than the other.

On Flowers gives webshop advice

Posted 22 March 2014, 5:58 a.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

majority of webshop owners,check their records,common criminals,the facts are there.

On Flowers gives webshop advice

Posted 21 March 2014, 1:42 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

the govt has money to what they want to do,as for the customs and immigration,you made your bed now lay in it.

bismark says...


bismark says...

no good cocksuckers,you would be surprised to know who that animal might be,knock that man down and left him in the road,dont worry no wrong in this life goes unpunished.

bismark says...

What part of the shift system these people do not understand?get your backsides back on the job the Bahamian people are paying you to do or go home and give somebodyelse the job,they have milked the system for two long.

bismark says...

I want to gamble in the casino,why should I have to go to florida or on a cruise and gambling facilities are right here in my own country?i am not interested in no webshop I want to go in the casino,lift that ban.

On Gambling to be discussed in Cabinet

Posted 18 March 2014, 5:07 p.m. Suggest removal

bismark says...

charge that lousy officer
for animal cruelty.

On Police dog dies from heat in van

Posted 18 March 2014, 11:51 a.m. Suggest removal