Comment history

blackcat says...

ethnicity not relevant.

On Woman killed after domestic dispute

Posted 2 October 2015, 1:35 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

okay- and assuming that everyone of haitian descent "breeds like rabbits" is not a derogatory comment ?

i forgot- bahamians don't have kids. We have one or two per family right ? When we are married and old enough to take care of them , etc ? We dont have kids just to get money from man hey ? All our bahamian fathers take care of their kids ? True , i forgot that. I'm not saying haitians aren't having children, but let's not say that is strictly a haitian thing- that is wrong and completely untrue. Poor family planning is linked to lack of education amongst other things......bahamians are not strangers to this , sadly.

On PM: Immigration backlash alarm

Posted 19 November 2014, 9 a.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

amen buddy. that's all that needs to be said. The cold hard truth but no one wants to hear it.

On PM: Immigration backlash alarm

Posted 19 November 2014, 8:56 a.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

lolwhat positive comments were there on Dr. Smith ?

If I'm not mistaken, an article from yesterday( 29/7) had some quotes in it about Mr. Smith's public humiliation and the fact that he stepped down proved he deserved a second chance, etc ,etc . Is that positive enough?

This is a real joke dred. Known plagiarist is reinstated into the country's college as president. Don't matter what positive comments there could be, there are standards to uphold and we are not setting good examples for our students.

I guess when I go to COB and plagiarise one of my papers, I can turn to Dr. Smith as an example and request leniency, I should be forgiven. Where does it end? As I always say too much slackness!

blackcat says...

completely irrelevant. another reason why we are in the mess we're in today. Bahamians focusing too much on stupid friggen things instead of the real issues. Grow up man

On Nation in disarray

Posted 30 July 2014, 9:44 a.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

kool aid. refreshinggg aint it.

blackcat says...

discrimination against every and anyone is wrong. ive read those classifieds for true.....

a certain italian restaurant on east bay st seems to have mainly male servers... i dont care who's serving me once their hands are clean...but we digress from the main point here :-)

blackcat says...

bill 5: end discrimination against LGBT community. Get with the times bahamas . weary on whether or not this referendum will even happen at said date. I'll wait til Nov 5th to see it is confirmed.

blackcat says...

Exactly-laws on the books are not enforced and it is so sad. Meanwhile, this is the same general public who are always ready to party and celebrate their independence pride...........but what kind of pride are we really showing when we litter so freely? The beauty of the islands is one of the main draws and we are ruining it day by day.

When I worked at a school years back, I'll never forget seeing one of the teachers who I admired most finish her drink and throw her plastic cup over her shoulder without a second thought. It landed in the bush right across from the school yard. I was shocked, angry and embarrassed. Not what we should be teaching our kids! We need to lead by example.

On Too much filth

Posted 23 July 2014, 4:02 p.m. Suggest removal

blackcat says...

I'm an animal lover so this story speaks to me....But this story (if what is written is confirmed - since tribune says it has not seen the lady's ownership docs, etc) is no different to all the other injustices that go on in this town. So many of the horrific stories we see in the news today could be easily avoided if we just enforced the law in this country. It comes back to the story of Bahamians in the US: when we go to Miami, the first thing we do is buckle our seat belts and follow the rules of the road and otherwise. We do this because we KNOW there will be consequences to our actions if we disobey the law.

Bahamians have so much potential to be and do more, but if we cannot even enforce the most basic of laws, how will we ever rise above? Whatever happened to the story about the lady who's front door was busted down when plain-clothes police invaded her home while she was naked, and did not identify themselves as officers of the law? What about all the detention center reports of abuse, threats, etc? What about Ishmael Lightbourne and all the other political scandals that have gone on ? The "unsolved" murders and rapes that get pushed under the rug? Between a lack of enforcement and a lack of basic education, we are being robbed blind as a nation and it is so sad. Begin enforcing the laws on the books so people can be more aware of their actions and act accordingly....otherwise , we continue on this slippery slope.