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bloody1967 says...

$21,000 in the Bahamas means you can buy a nice home in Pine wood gardens or some similar community r some govt low income home, YIPPE I cant wait , i richhhhhhhhh

cause rent is 1,000 per mont , dam $12,000 gone
bec , ma second land lord is , dam $450 per month , dats $5,400 gone
gas , dat $260 per month so $3,120 gone and cant pay the car note
ma Cellie , ring ring . dem cards get in me for one easy 30 a week , dat $1,560 gone
oh lord I aint even eat yet or pay for ma ride and $22,080 done gone .......jeez I got to let ma sweet hearth dem go , cut back time ........and I hungry , a ya know she need dem nails and weave , dey aint put dat in the World Report Hey , who is compile dat anyway, potcake hey.......dont sound to dam rich to me ........ boy I know if we rich den lord help me , I aint want to be poor

bloody1967 says...

Bahamian First , I am a Bahamian , and a Black Bahamian at that , I AM not a Afro Bahamian , that does not exist , I am not stupid like our brethren in the USA , putting tags on my identity , Afro dis and Afro dat , foolishness. I am bahamian , and Black in complexion , maybe just like you. The difference is we hold an opinion which differs.In the period of slavery in the carribean and USA , some 200,000 Aficans went to America and some 100,000 were scattered about the Carribean , Sir or Madam I myself , my mother , father , grand mother , great grand parents were not amongst them. And I am quite certain the same for you. The Bahamas should not waste its time asking for something it will not receive because it is not entitled too. Every race on this planet has been manipulated and enslaved at some point , The slave traders in Africa did not engage in capturing slaves for trade they BOUGHT them from people in AFRICA far darker than you or me . Do your history and find the African tribes and Families that enriched themselves selling their own blood . I will give you ONE family, that of the Great Hailie Salasie was a big time trader and today they still live off their wealth from those days ,( rasters take note ).. Bahamian people , education is greater than UN DUE reparations , know and understand the ideology before you jump on a political loss bandwagon... you were never affected by slavery , nor was I ,so stop BS yourself and realize that , by the way we ( BLACK ) people are already members and have been members of Parliament in the United Kingdom England ) for over 30 years , so that not the future its both history and present . Just like I said yesterday , Davis & Co , will be representing the Bahamas when it gets to a point of A LEGAL petition , just like I thought , the Dep. Prime Minister Law Firm gets the case at oh my Goodness what price to the Bahamian Taxpayers , thats slavery , and he british or white , wake up man ...... like I said before and I will say it again , bahamians r so stupid

On Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Posted 16 October 2013, 11:03 a.m. Suggest removal

bloody1967 says...

I smell a criminal indictment for them is on the way , this aint just civil this is fraud, the weakness in the argument for Direct TV though is that they were paid for the accounts, so the loss is minimalized at best ... but the FBI I understand is looking at this according to the Miami Herald , so I think the Garraway better stay out tha USA or they better bring a whole lot of Vaseline for the Federal Jail nights

bloody1967 says...

what a bunch of idiots u all are , never ever will u c a penny , stopped being blindsided with foolishness , concentrate on what will enrich your lives and that of your children in this life , how about we all sue the fnm plp and the lot for all the cronyism , corruption , nepotism , theft , and blatant raping of this country , what this nonsense slavery suit will profit you , lets me guess representation by davis & co at about $3,000,000.00 of taxpayers money and the continued raping of the Bahamas, that's real slavery people , ignorance with false hope and Jackarzz Leadership ..... I say it once and I will say it again , Bahamians r so stupid

On Bahamas suing UK over slavery

Posted 15 October 2013, 8:35 p.m. Suggest removal

bloody1967 says...

Those 2 Individuals were not chinese , mr,Editor please edit befor you go to press

On At least two Chinese workers dead at Baha Mar

Posted 11 October 2013, 9:17 p.m. Suggest removal

bloody1967 says...

thats the problem right their , bahamians keep blamimg others for their woes , we created this mess not them foreingers or the fnm or the plp , us bahamians and ignorant and stupid ideology and foolish beliefs like this post .....

On Warning of lower growth than forecast

Posted 10 October 2013, 8:55 p.m. Suggest removal

bloody1967 says...

Look the VAT will not change irresponsible spending , ill planning , corruption and just plain old stupid Bahamian Jackjarzzz ideology. We have a National debt of 5.5$$$$ Billion Dollars , now lets do simple math , with Interest on our national debt over $500, 000,000 that's million per year ALONE and rising daily , in a country with lets say 300,000 spending consumers , who may contribute upto $500 a person a year in VAT consumption payments that equates to around $150,000,000 million dollars per year , not even enough to take a bite out of the interest payment , now lets say that we MUG em all for upto a $1000 a year per person then they get $300,000,000 million , still not enough to even pay the interest down , so guess what , the principle aint going no where no time soon , can we all say """"bankrupct"""""" , dose not matter who in govt.... yinners better hope we got OILE cause ya still cant change _hit into GOLD

On Warning of lower growth than forecast

Posted 10 October 2013, 8:49 p.m. Suggest removal

bloody1967 says...

Wow , and we just read today in the Economist in a small caption that Mann Bank has started to internaly trade $B dollars at $4 B dollars to $1 US dollar , stating they are anticipating a Bahamian $B dollar collapse to this rate by July 2014 , as the ability of the Bahamas Central Bank to sustain a pegged rate cannot be attained beyond this point.....Things don't seem to good in sun sand and sea land de likes

On bloody1967

Posted 10 October 2013, 6:42 p.m. Suggest removal