Comment history

bluesky says...

Imagine a trial for all of the thousands of illegal immigrants deported from the Bahamas this country would be bankrupt and our legal system would collapse. I agree that the Rule of Natural Justice must be followed, but not to the detriment of the Country.

bluesky says...

Chucky, you may not like it but this amendment is going to happen,Fred Mitchell has the support of his Parliamentary colleagues. If you have the power to rally Bahamian support to force a Snap election then that's a different story.

bluesky says...

Had Immigration done their job to the satisfaction of the law Bruno would still be here ,with the help of his QC Lawyer, President of the GBHRA with access to International human rights groups, his case could go on forever and cost the Public Treasury a fortune.
It seems there is a loophole in the system that Fred Mitchell is proposing to amend.

bluesky says...

I support Fred Mitchell in his quest to remove Bruno Rufa and all foreign Dictators from the Bahamas that abuse Bahamian citizens. At least he has more guts than Tommy Turnquest who allowed Rufa to return. This is why Rufa is claiming he allegedly has Government officials in his back pocket.

bluesky says...

Chucky, Fred Mitchell will be fine once Bruno Rufa is gone. Bruno should have left on his own free will. Members of parliament including the opposition will support removing Bruno Rufa from the Bahamas.

bluesky says...

Check the law, what law? Coral Beach is a society within a society their laws trumps Bahamian laws, good luck trying to persuade the BOD otherwise. They often speak disparagingly of Bahamian Law. The majority has been divided and conquered, chained like elephants, therefore cannot rule.

bluesky says...

This BOD led by Rufa is entrenched, there is no getting rid of this BOD. Rufa said at the AGM, quote :- "To become a Board member you have to be invited by me !!! ". Even deported, Rufa can still be President from Canada . Owners who stand against him have their power shutdown, their guest and family evicted , get penalties ,fines and be deemed Undesirable. The proxies are controlled by the BOD. Difficult for an unhappy majority of elderly Owners to make changes under these conditions.The last group who tried had to sell their unit and leave The Bahamas . B. Rufa is fighting hard to stay in The Bahamas to keep control of this company . A perfect company for money laundering.

bluesky says...

Rufa ‘Angry And Shocked’ By Immigration Treatment????? go turn off their electricity, that's what you do to owners who make you angry at Coral Beach.

bluesky says...

Mr.Mitchell, instead of wasting time, send some of your boys to investigate a company called "Kenilworth Investments Limited". you might be able to arrest Rufa, his wife, and the entire Coral Beach BOD in one swoop, you may even get Fred Smith as a bonus.

bluesky says...

How is it okay for Bruno Rufa and his BOD to deem an owner as "undesiralbe" and force them to leave the Coral Beach community and the Bahamas, but not okay for the Government to Deem Rufa as "undesirable" and ask him to leave the Bahamas?
I know two wrongs don't make a right, but this is a classic case of "chickens coming home to roost".