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bluesky says...

Bruno Rufa fired the Bahamian Bar Manager and took her Job. Working for free my A$$.

On Are expats still welcome in The Bahamas?

Posted 15 December 2015, 8:25 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Mr Smith said that the decision to declare Mr Rufa an undesirable and that his presence is not conducive to public good, was irrational on the part of the government. He told the court that all necessary procedures were not followed under Section 40 of the Immigration Act in order to deport Mr Rufa. He noted that Rufa’s criminal case in the Magistrates Court is still not concluded.
#“If satisfied that the law have been breached, the next step would be a process where the Minister of Immigration would then consider whether to exercise his discretion under Section 40 to grant a deportation order stating the time he was to leave, and the seven-day period in which he has to appeal the deportation,” Mr Smith said.
#“To physically remove and dispel a person from the jurisdiction is an extremely draconian act,” said Mr Smith. “To be put in the detention centre and physically removed without any prior conviction in the court, and to be deemed an undesirable, the law establishes a very liberal process which must be required before a person is removed.”
#Mr Smith said the process was put in place to give persons an opportunity to appeal - about seven days - to the Governor General.
#“It allows for due process so that persons are not picked up and escorted out of the country. If they can do it to Mr Rufa, they can do it to anybody,” he said.
#Mr Rufa’s attorney has filed an application in the Supreme Court for an extension of his time in the Bahamas.

bluesky says...

Mr Rufa said IO Cooper gave him his passport to present to the ticketing agent and he booked and paid for the first flight out of Grand Bahama to Miami at 3.08pm.
#Shortly afterwards, Mr Rufa said that he noticed that a camera crew from the government-owned and operated ZNS TV was filming him inside the airport at the ticketing area. He said IO Cooper then escorted him to the security area for entry to US Customs pre-clearance area and through to US Customs, and to the US pre-clearance departures lounge area to await his flight.
#“Once I had gone through US Customs, it was the point of no return, meaning that persons could not go back through US Customs and back into the rest of the airport. IO Cooper then left me,” he said.
#Mr Rufa stated that, contrary to the evidence of Mr Hutcheson, he was not allowed to remain in the main area unescorted. “I was not free to move around the airport. I was always escorted and felt under arrest at all times. Contrary to Mr Hutcheson’s evidence, I was not merely ‘advised’ to leave the Bahamas, I was compelled to leave,” he said.
#Mr Rufa stated that it was not his wish to leave the Bahamas at that time or to fly to Florida. “I booked the flight and boarded the airplane on the instructions of Officer Cooper and against my own will,” he said. “My understanding at all times (given, inter alia, what IO Cooper had said in court; the fact that I was escorted by four immigration officials; placed in a jail cell; put before Mr Hutcheson who told me I was being ordered off the island; had my passport confiscated; was ordered to book the first flight out of the Bahamas, escorted at all times and not free to leave) was that I was not permitted to remain in the Bahamas and was being forcibly removed.”
#After landing in Miami, Mr Rufa’s attorneys had informed him that the court had granted an injunction preventing his deportation at 3.20pm, but his flight had already departed for Miami at 3.08pm.
#When Mr Rufa tried to return to the Bahamas, he was prevented from boarding the flight back around 8pm that evening by officials at Miami airport, who had informed him that the Department of Immigration had placed a stop on his re-entry into the Bahamas.
#Mr Smith asserted that Rufa was “illegally deported” and that there was no deportation order in place for his removal from the country. “Whatever they want to call it: removed, seen out of the country, expelled, or deported, that’s what the decision was,” he said.

bluesky says...

Mr Rufa was not Deported but Supervised Departure ! Is Mr. Smith abusing the Court ?

bluesky says...

mr Rufa is not a businessman either an investor , he is a plumber and own only half of a one bedroom with Sandra Georgio

bluesky says...

If the bar at CB was a Club and not a Public Bar , B.Rufa will not be in Court right now. Imagine that !

bluesky says...

He will appear in the Magistrate Court on October 19 to 23 to answer to the charge of working illegally in the Bahamas. I suspect the Dec 6 & 7 hearing is in the Supreme Court to fight his Deportation.

bluesky says...

It is the second time Bruno Rufa got arrested for working illegally and was deported for the second time from the Bahamas, What is so special about Mr Rufa ?

bluesky says...

Justcurious you maybe right .Do you know if the Owners are paying for his legal fees ?.

bluesky says...

The trial of Canadian Bruno Rufa adjourned to Dec 6 & 7
Why would Mr. Smith file an application in the Supreme Court objecting to the adjournment if the Magistrate have the authority to adjourn cases ? Mr. Smith had no problem when he got an adjournment at the beginning of the trial. Why is it a problem when the Immigration Department is seeking an adjournment ? What is going on ? What does he expect the Supreme Court to do ?