Comment history

bluesky says...

Pintard is a little fish that got swallowed by the big sharks. a case of the little boy playing with the big boys, what did he expect? The first to be tossed under the bus. whose next?

bluesky says...

BAM!!!! Beware of the howling dog, Pintard got bit, now suffering from political rabies.

bluesky says...

sheeeprunner12, you maybe on to something, Fitzie might be the dog who got hit with the rock in the bush, that's why he is howling. beware of a howling dog, someone needs to put a leash on him before he bites someone and they die from political rabies.

bluesky says...

Zakary, if it was their intention to convolute the story, I must admit they did a good job. Where is the save the bay's public relations team, they need to get ahead of this. The FNM should have shot down Mr. Fitzgerald in parliament. why is the DNA so quiet? Why is Mr. Fred Smith QC so quiet,. During the Bruno Rufa deportation saga there were articles by the QC in the news paper every other day. Did everyone got caught off guard by Mr. Fitzgerald?

bluesky says...

"Senator Pintard is working on the streets behind the scenes to help bring balance and restore order", are you serious? please tell me you are being sarcastic.

On Pintard working to tackle crime

Posted 19 March 2016, 7:56 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

I don't understand why a brilliant lawyer like Fred Smith QC, would build his case and depend on two criminals as his star witness, got to be more to this story. are we missing something here? is there another bombshell?

On Chipman concern at allegations

Posted 19 March 2016, 3:40 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

This long standing feud is providing employment for Bahamians, even criminals are being employed. why would lawyers want this feud to end?

bluesky says...

Nobody wants the FBI and IRS digging up in their business, look what the retired FBI uncovered.

On Chipman concern at allegations

Posted 19 March 2016, 7:30 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

This story is so convoluted, how is the public suppose to know what is true or false in the absence of the court's decision. The FNM looked clueless and unprepared in parliament and the DNA is way too quiet. Why isn't the DNA Jumping all over this?

bluesky says...

What Fred Smith and Mr. Pintard has accomplished so far is to bring the wrath of the Gov't down on Mr. Bacon. I am curious to know what is their backup plan. They should have known the Gov't would not take this lying down, now the IRS could scrutinize Mr. Bacon's Non profit organizations. This is not good for Save the Bays. Did they miscalculate and not see this coming?

On Chipman concern at allegations

Posted 18 March 2016, 9:41 p.m. Suggest removal