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bluesky says...

When the smoke clears, I will bet anyone that the two alleged hit men and Pintard will be thrown under the bus.
If Bruno Rufa can fight and survive deportation thru the court system,Imagine Nygard with his million$.

bluesky says...

When you find them, ask them to investigate the alleged death threats made by Bruno Rufa and the car fire bombing at Coral Beach.

bluesky says...

Headline,Peter Nygard 'Hired Hitmen': what Hitmen, Those two are clowns not hit men. Were they questioned by the police as to how many hits they have under their belts? Were they charged for fire bombing the reverend's car? These two clowns should go to prison for stupidity.

bluesky says...

Voltaire, instead of calling on the party to expel, why don't you start an online petition to expel Nygard. it didn't work with Bruno Rufa but you may have better luck now that the Outspoken QC is on the opposing side. I don't think the Outspoken QC and his Human Rights group will come to the rescue of Nygard if he is illegally deported.

bluesky says...

Voltaire, The party can't seem to expel Bruno Rufa, why do you think the party will be able to expel Peter Nygard? after all he is innocent until proven guilty, and he have millions to fight his court battles. The Out Spoken QC made it clear to the Gov't, No expelling, deporting, putting out of the country unless the court say so.. go figure.

bluesky says...

Rather than securing votes from Bahamians It seems that Mr. Pintard is more concerned about securing the votes of the two Cubans in the next general election.

On Pintard: Did Mitchell mislead parliament?

Posted 10 March 2016, 6:38 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

What I find odd is the outspoken QC's name is nowhere to be found in this story,, This article stinks. I smell a rat, a dead rat.

On Released Cubans now in Florida

Posted 8 March 2016, 6:56 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Hold on proudloudandfnm, the Outspoken QC just filed a $10M lawsuit against the gov't and $2M against Fred Mitchell for his Cubans. you might as well wait to serve these papers too. you may have a career in the making here.

bluesky says...

I dare the outspoken QC to serve PGC and have him committed, no I double dare him. The QC is only blowing smoke.

bluesky says...

Monkeedon't, The Outspoken QC works in mysterious ways