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bluesky says...

Contrary to the QC Fears, people are lining up to purchase at Coral Beach. They are just waiting for the permanent departure of Bruno Rufa and his thugs.

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 13 February 2016, 1:28 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

"Qc Fears Freeport 2nd Home ‘Exodus’" . you got to be joking.. QC must be overdue for a trip to Tibet. Nobody will leave Coral Beach over Bruno Rufa's departure. Good Riddance....

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 9:12 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Where was the voice of the QC during the “exodus” of owners after Bruno Rufa and his thugs took over the Condo Association back in 2005. Many owners left , never to return, because of victimization. Mr. Smith should protect the interest of the owners by resigning as council for Bruno Rufa or resigning as council for the condo Association. This is a conflict of interest. No approval was given by the owners to pay Bruno Rufa's legal fees.
It's sad that the owners of coral beach are being used to protect Mr. Smith's client.

On QC fears Freeport 2nd home ‘exodus’

Posted 12 February 2016, 3:01 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

Fred Mitchell is a saint compared to Bruno Rufa

On Mitchell’s tactics

Posted 8 February 2016, 8:01 p.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...

At the last AGM an owner complained that Larry Licastro tried to strong arm him and his wife to sign a petition supporting Bruno Rufa by threatening to quit the BOD, when he was in-fact not a BOD member. Larry claimed that all the other Directors would quit if Rufa was put off the Island. Is Larry Lisactro now in charge of Bruno's strong arm committee????

bluesky says...

Is this the same David Bain who reported to Immigration Department, that he heard Bruno Rufa telling Sheldon Woods he would wipe Sheldon and his family out if Sheldon cause Bruno
to get kick of the Island??

bluesky says...

Pretty sneaky Bruno and Fred, busted......

bluesky says...

The Condo association led by President Bruno Rufa is in court for oppression of the minority shareholders and for rigging the elections. most of the people in this picture are members of the election committee or another one of Brunos's hand picked committees.

bluesky says...

Bruno Rufa will die of old age before adjudication. Fred Smith will use all of the money making delay tactics available to keep Rufa in the Bahamas. as the saying goes when you find a Jack A$$ you ride him to death.

On Response to Rufa letter

Posted 20 January 2016, 11:43 a.m. Suggest removal

bluesky says...


There is an oppression of the minority lawsuit filed against the Condominium Association led by Bruno Rufa as President.
There was an alleged death threat complaint filed against Bruno Rufa at the Lucaya Police Station in Freeport Bahamas back in 2006. There was another complaint filed at the Police station in 2008 against Bruno Rufa for allegedly attempting - breaking and entering.There was another incident where a bound over the peace case was filed against Bruno Rufa,in the Freeport Magistrate court,where he got away with just a warning from the Judge. He was arrested by Immigration back in 2007 for allegedly working illegally and escorted out of the country for breaching the Immigration Act. He was arrested again by Immigration officers and charged in the Magistrate Court in Freeport,on February 3rd 2015, with engaging in gainful occupation contrary to Section 29 (1) an (2) of the Immigration Act.

Right-thinking Bahamians who knows Bruno Rufa,and care about justice are paying very close attention.

On Rufa case hurts our nation

Posted 18 January 2016, 9:12 p.m. Suggest removal