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bnewbold says...

We?????? speak for yourself.

bnewbold says...

Mr. Stubbs,
Mrs. Davis-Thompson ought to realize that Family Island kids are equipped with the necessary tools that their parents provide to them which are running tennis, clothing etc. While their are those kids who can not afford the big time name their parents provide for them. Mrs. Davis-Thompson is in her second term as a councilwomen in the IAAF and Mike Sands is in his 4th term as President of the BAAA, the question should be imposed upon them, what are you doing for the sport? Only Freeport and Nassau is equip with a Benyon or Mondo Track. Andros who host a big High School Invite still running on tar. Running on tar damages the running tennis, growing up we all know that running barefoot will save our tennis from damaging. Those two dofus who call themselves leaders, need to push for a proper facility on the family islands then you wont see them running barefoot. Another issue, Puma has in the contract where they give uniform and other stuff to intercity kids to participate in the sport, I guess the Family Islands don't count. So Mrs. Davis-Thompson along with Sands should choose their statements to the press wisely and carefully only making them look like dofusses

bnewbold says...

So lets see, Bahamians are gambling either way whether it is legal or not. When Bahamians travel outside the Bahamas they gamble. Now, from what I see the web shops are still operating under a clause in the law which the Government do not intend to fix. Legalize gambling and make money. Bahamians are still paying their bills and making money from the number houses. If they are afraid that the days of the hubby horse racing will return do not. This is a new generation of people who have learned from those mistakes. Andre Rollins has to be on some type of drugs that has no name as yet but I'll call it the great "Stupid Juice". Bahamians should not have to pay to gamble. Now as for the churches, I want someone from the church tell me what is a raffle? Last I checked it was gambling, taking a chance to buy a ticket between $1.00-$5.00 and winning a $30,000 car or a fancy cruise. Raffling is gambling.

bnewbold says...

I personally witness the prison bus weaver left to right on Wulff Road and nearly lost control. It seems as though Commissioner Greenslade hasnt address this serious issue until one day it be his relative. The bus that is transporting prisoners does not need to be speeding up through the congested streets of Nassau. Why is it that an Ambulance can pass without damaging or causing an accident? Why is it that a fire engine can pass without causing damages or an accident? The reason is safety of others. Here it is this lady is clinging for her life and yet the Prison bus is still speeding through the capital. Prisoners are being injured, they have rights, they are innocent until proving guilty. Mr. Greenslade and others, I know you are reading what we the people write and Mr. Editor, please publish what we say so they can see this. There is no reason to speed the bus through the capital, what if those prisoners had escape and were dangerous? Please let us all pray that this lady makes it through.

bnewbold says...

So with all the crime happening the PM finds that a deal with BTC is more important?

On 'Face-saving' deal with BTC

Posted 22 January 2014, 10:53 a.m. Suggest removal

bnewbold says...

The PM is all talk no action

bnewbold says...

The PLP blame the FNM for crime, now the PLP in power they have not done squat. Speak out Mr. Moss, speak out. Leslie Miller spoke out. You PLP's hate the facts that people speak out and then make statements this Moss last term. It might be his last with the PLP, but not his last in Government

bnewbold says...

That is the problem right there, Bahamian people to laid back and want government job rather than taking themselves to advance. You mentioned foreigners that the government call on, 80% of our people are not qualified on paper to do the jobs that require employees. If the foreigners can advance themselves so can we. That attitude is what is killing our country slowly because we believe we our slaves, work in the hotel or work for government. Lets us, the grown adults who can help make the change start the process of change. We need to be positive about our country. The police can deal with crime in the worst way imaginable but do we want that?

On Three dead, two injured in shootings

Posted 1 January 2014, 1:15 p.m. Suggest removal

bnewbold says...

Hanging is not going to solve the problem because those who are in jail on death row are not committing the crime of murder. They are in their for life and they have been convicted and are not on bail. Let us deeply think about a solution. We need to deal with our ports of entries and figure out how we are going to stop these guns and bullets from getting in. We have to much corrupt Police, Customs and Immigration officers and need to get ride of them out of the uniform branches and stop the covering up. Once we stop the guns and bullets from getting into the country illegally we can control the gun problem that is the first step. The second step is controlling our young men and women and teaching them to being adults. If we can save 9 out of 10 we save a lot. Although there are young parents where the mother is 30 and the son is 16-18, they need help raising their kid. We have to return to a community of caring about our people and country. If we don't act now, we are on the trend of self destruction. We must return discipline back into the classrooms starting from the primary school level and bring it into junior and senior as time progresses. We need parents to stop acting the fool when their child is discipline by a teacher. It is so many things that we need to return to, that will correct these problems. Our young men believe when they are failing in high school, it is the end so what to do? We need people to return to believing in our young men, that there are thousands of opportunities and they are not failures. Bahamians, stop, think, listen, hanging is not the solution because it takes 10-15 years to hang someone and in 10-15 years many crimes can be committed but not by those on death row.

On Three dead, two injured in shootings

Posted 1 January 2014, 12:23 p.m. Suggest removal

bnewbold says...

It so amazing that a machine gun was used in this crime. Where did this gun came from? Bahamas Customs, Bahamas Immigration how is it these weapons entering the country? My condolences to the families

On Four dead, four injured in drive-by shooting

Posted 28 December 2013, 1:41 a.m. Suggest removal