Comment history

bobby2 says...

I also endorse this comment.

bobby2 says...

Wow, a Union Leader demanding an employer follow the law?? The same leader that heads illegal work stoppages??

On Atlantis owner urged: Obey Bahamas’ laws

Posted 8 October 2021, 2:55 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Sorry, no backup true equals B.S.

On Tourism back to 85% pre-COVID in August

Posted 4 October 2021, 5:15 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Obviously, the real issue is Senior Management will not bow down to Union Leadership demands. The Union's answer, get rid of anyone that stands up to us. We need to always get our way!

bobby2 says...

Wow, maybe the very first time I agreed with Tribanon & his suggestion could quite well be the Savior of Bahamas Health Care System. Well done Tribanon, hopefully someone in Gov't reads your suggestion.

bobby2 says...

Thank you "the messenger" for the cold hard truth. There are about four frequent posters that simply lie & purposely mislead. They are doing the Bahamas a grave mis-service.

bobby2 says...

Hopefully no one takes the content of this article seriously? This stuff is almost like monopoly money. Totally useless.

bobby2 says...

There are a couple of posters that comment almost daily with deliberate false information regarding Covid & effectiveness of Vaccines. This is the most read Newspaper in the Bahamas & maybe it's time for the Tribune to block these repeat offenders in support of proffessional news outlets not supporting trolls.

On New COVID-19 restrictions announced

Posted 25 July 2021, 12:57 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Wow, does he really believe that people think it's OK to use a Gov't vehicle once retired? Mr. Pinder, you are no longer in Public Service & should only be using this vehicle once purchased.

On My govt car? I’m looking to buy it

Posted 22 July 2021, 2:36 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

Running as Independent means he can never get anything done for his District, he can only complain ineffectively as Brave Davis does.

On McAlpine to run as independent candidate

Posted 17 July 2021, 1:22 p.m. Suggest removal