Comment history

bobby2 says...

Same old story, every taxpayer service/Department must be overstaffed. Just like a MP calls Gov't Service Department to change a light bulb in the MP's Office. Service Department sends three workers, one to take the bulb out of the box & hand it to installer, installer screws in bulb, third worker fills out work sheet stating, "job complete".

bobby2 says...

Detention facilities in horrible condition? Don't do the crime & you won't have to do the time!

bobby2 says...

The vendors need to re-think their business plan. Travelers read all kinds of reviews of Straw Market googling on internet & read how low quality not made in the Bahamas goods being sold..
Last time I was there, horrified on how poor the products were.

bobby2 says...

What??? Is this Gov't that much out of touch? Guaranteed to be a huge money pit hole that will eat up tax dollars!

On Gov’t eyes purchase of Freeport’s Bazaar

Posted 14 November 2023, 1:30 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

If the customer won't pay it's monthly useage fee, who cares if they add another $5.00 to something they are not going to pay anyway?

On Gov’t denies BPL $5 late fee plans

Posted 10 November 2023, 3:17 p.m. Suggest removal

bobby2 says...

The bail system should be revised to where the Prosecuter must lay out the facts surrounding the reason for arrest of the individualalleged to having committed murder. If it appears very clear that the evidence presented will most likely result in conviction, bail should be denied & accused guaranteed of a trial within 6 months.

bobby2 says...

They actually tore down one of a few decent looking homes, while most other houses close to the quality of an outdoor toilet left standing.

bobby2 says...

It's make believe money & the first hint of sand dollar trouble in the Country, it's value if any will be Zero. This whole news story sounds made up.

bobby2 says...

Why do we need a new Prison? Everyone gets bail so they can re-offend or get killed in retaliation. Can't be a dumber Gov't in the World.

bobby2 says...

The solution for the future is to immediately stop any new non-compliance structures being built. This is totally Gov't fault for not taking this action in the past.