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bobneville says...

I am really sorry to hear about Ministerś woes and problems he is having on his job. I would like to give him advice on how to get rid of it. This will require no great effort, but will result in a great change.
We need to bring in our OWN labor from a country of a higher intelligent population instead of the poorest country in the world. As far as I know we are still in the British commonwealth ,why cant we get a work force from this organization ?
People can easily fit into our society after they proven themselves to be good citizens . Or are we too afraid of intelligent people that can contribute to our country. instead of being a burden and a nuisance .
What about Cuba? I notice our government taking advantage of our neighbors to the south. There are millions of Cubans that can clean yard and do small repairs and are familiar with a rake and a hammer. Their living standard is higher and are not a Cholera threat.
Starting now, all your woes will be over as you will know who they are and where they are, who has a criminal record, who doesnt and so on. One time we left and went to Florida, maybe they can do the same thing with us. Mr. Bell ,you seem to be a young man, for Godś sake try something different , thank you.

bobneville says...

sorry buddy,meerca cannot help you in this one, besides you dont need to drill holes to tell where there is oil.dummies.the boat is for your benefit, however the area must be cleared of peering eyes. for a while afterwards everything go back to what you call normal. and we dont have to listern to your foolish for another while, all is well go back to

bobneville says...

old chineese saying; Fools rush in where wiseman never never go. leave it alone,even if you find the truth, you are not going to like it,we were not taught this part of our history, titty fanny said; everything good to eat ,aint good to talk, remember;having a lot of children do not give theright to ownership. lemme do this one more time,´we were given the right to goveren ourselvers ,not own the land,did you notice the word GIVEN? which indicates?

bobneville says...


bobneville says...

this problem is not as easy as sickened and others may think to start with ,taxing is a bussines,just like any other,you put your life in it ,your family depend on it to take care of them for as long as they live ,just like alicqure license or a grocery bussiness,it dont go away because the holder gets ill or die,wether you own the car or not ,that is none of the goverment bussiness,beside if you go to the bank or your neighbor,the car is own by the lender un til it is paid for,the plate is issue to you for life,and you should have one or more if you qualify.things dont start to go wrong un til goverment start to get in your bussiness, where and how you get your car is none of the goverment business,as long as you qualify for the plate or license

On Govt to enforce law on subleasing license plates

Posted 15 November 2019, 11:13 a.m. Suggest removal

bobneville says...

dear desi,I like how you palm that over to your board.good move,theyre not running for a seat.cant wait to see how they handle it>

bobneville says...

Answer to well mudda take sic EAT IT,mr bannister or the board are not able to tell you where the moy ney is coming from ask brave he knows as well as desi where the money is coming from if goverment is not paying for it ,then it is none of your G>>D bussiness is it?i have been telling you for years ,that the true owners of these islands were claiming it again,if you beline that, then all your questions will be answered.and you will understand,as a matter of truth this project has very little to do with the bahamas,but we will profit more from it than anyone else so please shut up,no one respect input,does not apply.its coming not going,and its a good thing for us.and you know what?you cant spoil it.sealed in gold.hint...a bahamian getting a job on this project is like getting a job out of space.actually there are not jobs to be got .sit back and watch the future unfold in your little island.

bobneville says...

nds were own by the british long before.we were brought here,and i see no where they gave it to us,you dont walk into the hospital have a bunch of children ,then declare that you own the hospital.fred knows that,,your being swinged and theyre all in on it.

bobneville says...

Again,i have to agree with mudda florida hav a population of more than 21million people and miami is there largest populated city you get the numbers,...and to think ,this guy,has been,or is working on paradise atlantis for over twenty years and have learned nothing,i knew he was an idiot but not at this pro portion,now every body knows your an ass,dangy was right,when he quoted and said that "the highter you clime,the more you expose your arse.