Comment history

boldtruth says...

No wonder the name Papa Clown cut HAI like a knife. The truth really hurts - sorry.

boldtruth says...

Shortpants I would put all my educational credentials and that of every member of three generations of my adult family against you and yours.

You are below my dignity and above my audacity - only the ignorant takes such a myopic position to move discourse to a gutter sniping level. Read a book - preferably one without pictures - if you are able.

boldtruth says...

Bahamians have every right to vote up or down - to have a say one way or the other, but a bitter retired politician who cannot accept defeat is just sad and pathetic.

His documented words now published and gone viral show how pathetic and week his new enlightened position is.

If it looks like a rat and smells like a rat - then by George it's a RAT!

boldtruth says...

Unfortunately the more he talks the less people want to hear from him. His is now officially the laughing stock of this entire matter. His own published cabinet papers demonstrate that he is truly the most insidiousness politician this country has ever seen - that is a difficult feat to achieve. Only blinded political cronies would not admit the truth when it come to Ingraham.

boldtruth says...

Ingraham flopped to no. JohnDoe please - Ingraham is an indiot that even a blind man can see!

papa pleeeeese - disappear into the sunset because we have had enough of you. We sent you packing so please stay there - out of sight and out of mind!

boldtruth says...

Instead of trying to bamboozle the public into voting NO on the gambling referendum, Mr. Serrette should be on his knees begging for forgiveness in pressuring his wife to maintain a lifestyle that he could not afford - and he wants to talk about covetousness! He is a disgrace. Why don't the Christian Council bail Serrette and his wife out - after all - he is one of them.

This speaks volumes of the character of NO vote folks - shame on them. Imagine how they will turn a blind eye the 3000 folks out of work if the NO prevails.

On Time to pay up or go to jail for attorney

Posted 19 January 2013, 11:04 a.m. Suggest removal

boldtruth says...

Absolutely! Am I wrong the purpose and objectives of the church? Am I wrong about the use of the church members money? Am I wrong in the abuse of the Jewish elders as described in the bible?

On Pastors face-off over gambling

Posted 14 January 2013, 12:06 p.m. Suggest removal

boldtruth says...

I applaud Bishop Hall and McPhee. They have the courage to tell people the truth. I applaud Miles Munroe, who does not personally support gambling, but has told persons to vote their conscience. These NO pastors are hypocrites like the Scribes and Pharisees trying to control the people for their own personal gain. They are spending soooooo much money trying to bully and manipulate the public in voting no when they should be using that money to fulfil the mandate of the church - that is to win souls and help the poor! May God have mercy on all of them as they are full of pride and flesh!

On Pastors face-off over gambling

Posted 13 January 2013, 7:05 p.m. Suggest removal

boldtruth says...

Moss is guilty as SIN! He wanted Cargill out of the way to make the way clear for his pockets. When will the reports be released?

On FNM: Letter shows public 'not told truth'

Posted 9 January 2013, 5:47 p.m. Suggest removal

boldtruth says...

Lies, lies and more lies. Moss is on the ropes and about to be knocked out. You can't keep a ogood man down like Cargill.

On Moss 'happy to be out of NIB'

Posted 7 January 2013, 12:57 a.m. Suggest removal